Posteritiivistelmät 2023


1. Effect of feed treatment on the performance of weaned pigs in a voluntary human approach test

Kristina Ahlqvist¹, Anna Valros¹, Mari Heinonen¹ & Marianna Norring¹
¹Research Centre for Animal Welfare, Department of Production Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland

Positive human animal interaction is seen as an important part of good animal welfare. This study investigated the effect of giving feed during a moderately negative treatment, and of repetitive testing, on the performance of pigs in a voluntary human approach test. Our hypothesis was that getting feed at the time of marking and test repetition affects approach behavior of pigs towards humans positively.

The study included 222 pigs, aged 6-7 weeks, housed in 12 pens in one room. Pigs were either given feed during or after a moderately negative experience of humans, namely spray color marking. The effect of the feed treatments on pig performance in a voluntary human approach test in the home pen was assessed. The tests were run four times within one week by two testers. Approach and contact latencies were observed from videos.

Feed treatment at the time of marking had an effect on the approach latency of pigs (P < 0.001). Pigs that got feed during marking had shorter latency to approach the tester than pigs that received feed only after the marking (0.12 ±0.010 vs. 0.17 ±0.010 %). The repeated testing had an effect on the approach latency of pigs (P < 0.001) and the contact latency (P < 0.001). The approach and contact latencies were shortest during the last test.

Approach latency of the pigs was significantly accelerated between the first and the last day of testing, indicating habituation. Pigs with little experience of humans became accustomed to human presence, possibly due to a gradual decrease in fear of humans due to repeated human contact in a neutral environment. It seemed that getting feed at the time of marking affected how pigs perceived humans, as the pigs' approach latency was shorter in that treatment.

2. Positiivinen Giemsa-kapselivärjäys ei riitä pernaruttodiagnoosiin

Kirsti Pelkola¹, Taru Lienemann¹, Heli Nordgren², Niina Airas², Thomas Grönthal¹
¹Eläinterveystutkimuksen yksikkö, Ruokavirasto
²Eläinlääketieteellisten biotieteiden osasto, Eläinlääketieteellinen tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Eläinlääkärit ja eläinlääketieteelliset laboratoriot ovat vuosikymmenten ajan luottaneet nopeisiinkapselivärjäysmenetelmiin tunnistaakseen pernaruton aiheuttajan, Bacillus anthracis -bakteerin. Bakteerin kapseli  koostuu  poly-γ-D-glutamiinihaposta  (PGA)  ja  värjäykseen  käytetään  yleensä  M’Fadyean (polykrominen metyleenisini), Azur B - tai Giemsa -menetelmiä. Virhenegatiivisia tuloksia (eli kapselia ei näy) voidaan nähdä, kun eläimen raato alkaa mädäntyä. Pernaruttodiagnostiikassa väärät positiiviset Giemsa- kapselivärjäystulokset ovat kuitenkin äärimmäisen harvinaisia kliinisissä eläinnäytteissä.

Elokuussa 2022 Ruokaviraston Eläinterveystutkimuksen yksikön bakteriologian laboratorioon saapui verinäyte, joka oli otettu edellisyönä kuolleesta lehmästä. Lehmä oli poikinut kaksi kuukautta aiemmin ja oli kuolinpäivän aamuna ollut syömätön ja maidontuotanto oli vähentynyt.  Lehmällä oli turvotuksia ja vaikeuksia nousta. Lehmälle annettiin eläinlääkärin toimesta tukihoitoa, mutta ei antibiootteja. Hoidosta huolimatta lehmä löydettiin aamulla kuolleena, mutta pernaruttoon viittaavia verenvuotoja ei havaittu.

Lehmä  lähetettiin  ruumiinavaukseen  Helsingin  yliopiston  eläinlääketieteelliseen  tiedekuntaan. Pernaruttotartunnan poissulkemiseksi patologi suoritti Giemsa-kapselivärjäyksen. Värjäyksessä näkyi mikroskopoitaessa runsaasti sauvabakteereita, ja värjäys sekä raadosta otettu verinäyte lähetettiin Ruokaviraston  laboratorioon  pernaruton  poissulkemiseksi.  Verinäytteestä  tehtiin  Ruokaviraston laboratoriossa uudelleen Giemsa-kapselivärjäys; pieni veripisara levitettiin objektilasille ja ilmakuivauksen jälkeen näytteen päälle lisättiin kaksi-kolme pisaraa Giemsa-liuosta (Giemsa's azur eosin methylene blue solution, Merck) ja annettiin vaikuttaa kahden minuutin ajan. Sen jälkeen lisättiin 10–15 pisaraa vettä, liuos sekoitettiin varovasti tasaiseksi ja annettiin vaikuttaa 2–3 minuutin ajan. Lopuksi preparaatti huuhdeltiin vedellä ja sen annettiin kuivua. Positiivisesta kontrollikannasta (Bacillus anthracis ATCC 4229) tehtiin rinnakkainen värjäys. Niin alkuperäisessä kuin uudessa värjäyksessä havaittiin pääasiassa yksittäisiä ja muutaman solun ketjuissa olevia, suorakulmion muotoisia sauvabakteereita, joilla osalla oli vaaleanpunainen halo solujen ympärillä. Bakteerien solumorfologia viittasi Bacillus sp. tai Clostridium sp. bakteerisukuihin.

Verinäyte viljeltiin pernaruttobakteerin varalta veriagarille, joka inkuboitiin aerobisesti. Muiden bakteeri- infektioiden varalta näyte viljeltiin FAA-agarille (Fastidious anaerobe agar, Neogen, USA, johon oli lisätty 5% hevosen verta), joka inkuboitiin anaerobisesti, sekä GC-agarille (sisältäen GC medium base [Difco], naudan hemoglobiinia [BBL] ja IsoVitalex enrichment [BBL]), joka inkuboitiin 5 % hiilidioksidilisällä. Maljat inkuboitiin yön yli +37 °C:ssa. Verinäytteestä tutkittiin saapumispäivänä myös kapselia (cap), toksiinia (cya) ja B. anthracis -spesifisen kromosomaalista markkeria (PL3) koodaavat geenit multiplex qPCR - menetelmällä. DNA:n eristys suoritettiin DNeasy Blood and Tissue -kitillä (Qiagen) valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisesti. Kaikki diagnostiikan työvaiheet tehtiin asianmukaisin varotoimin.

Aerobisessa ja hiilidioksidirikastetussa bakteeriviljelyssä havaittiin bakteerisekakasvua, jossa ei todettu Bacillus -lajeille tyypillisiä pesäkkeitä. Anaerobisessa kasvatuksessa havaittiin klostridikasvua, joka tunnistettiin suorasiirrostusmenetelmällä MALDI-TOF-laitteella (Bruker MicroFlex LT) Clostridium perfringens-lajiksi. Verinäytteestä tehty PCR oli kielteinen kapseli-, toksiini- tai kromosomaalisen geenin suhteen. Näyte todettiin täten negatiiviseksi B. anthracis -bakteerin suhteen. Epäjohdonmukaisten tulosten vuoksi verinäyte värjättiin vielä uudelleen seuraavana päivänä ja samanlaisia, vaikkakaan ei yhtä näkyviä, kapselin kaltaisia rakenteita havaittiin joillakin bakteerisauvoilla. Lisäksi bakteeriviljelyjen bakteerilöydökset viljeltiin 0,7 %natriumbikarbonaattiagarille ja kasvatettiin 20 % hiilidioksidiatmosfäärissä. Nämä olosuhteet saavat aikaankapselintuotannon pernaruttobakteerissa. Kasvusta tehdyistä Giemsa-värjäyksistä ei kuitenkaan todettu kapseleita.

Positiivisen Giemsa-värjäystuloksen aiheuttanutta muuta kapselillista bakteerilajia ei saatu selville. Tiedetään, että PGA-kapselia esiintyy myös joissakin B. licheniformis - ja B. thuringiensis -kannoissa, tässä näytteessä ei kuitenkaan todettu muuta Bacillus -kasvua. Tämä on tiettävästi ensimmäinen kerta, kun kapselivärjäysmenetelmä on antanut pernaruttodiagnostiikassa väärän positiivisen tuloksen, vaikka kapselivärjäysmenetelmä on ollut käytössä vuosikymmeniä. Menetelmä akkreditoitiin Ruokavirastossa vuonna 2019. Kapselivärjäystä tehtäessä on pernaruttodiagnostiikassa syytä pitää mielessä myös virhepositiivisen tuloksen mahdollisuus, joten epäilyttävät ja positiiviset löydökset tulee aina varmistaamuilla menetelmillä.

3. Soil wetness influences the foot pad health of pasture-grazing geese

Eija Kaukonen¹, Leena Riipinen², Anna Valros¹
¹Research centre for animal welfare, Department of Production Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki
²Department of Production Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki

Pasture access in free-range production positively affects bird welfare providing extra space, natural light, and fresh air, and promoting natural behaviours. The harmful effect of wet litter on foot pad condition in conventional in-house rearing is a well-established fact. However, the influence of pasture soil condition on the foot pad health of poultry, particularly the foot pad health of geese, remains scarcely investigated. This study evaluated the effect of pasture soil wetness on foot pad health of pasture-grazing geese. The study included 9 goose batches slaughtered between September and November. After 4–5 weeks of rearing indoors in controlled environment, all flocks were grown on pasture until slaughter. The pasture soil wetness was estimated a day before slaughter with a 3-point scale, from 0= dry to 2= partially or completely wet. At slaughter, one foot of 100 birds per slaughter batch was evaluated with a 5-point scale, from 0= healthy foot pad to 4= severe lesion covering >50 % of the entire foot pad skin, including webbed area. The data were analyzed with the independent samples Kruskal-Wallis test, and further adjusted pairwise significance levels with Bonferroni-correction. The majority of feet were healthy (44.7% of all evaluated feet) or showed a minor lesion (score 1) (53.3%), while more serious lesions (scores 2–4) appeared only rarely. The mean foot pad score of estimated birds was 0.59 ±0.019. At slaughter age, 300 of the estimated birds were kept on dry pasture (score 0), 400 birds had slightly or partially moist pasture soil (score 1), and 200 birds were grazing on partially or completely wet pasture. Drier pasture linked with better foot pad condition compared with both slightly or partially moist and partially or completely wet pasture (P= 0.001, each). The results show comparable harmful effects of wet pasture soil on foot pad health as wet litter in in-house rearing. The detected link between foot pad health and soil wetness underlines the importance of selecting appropriate pasture ground and adapting pasture management according to weather conditions in maintaining the good foot pad health of pasture-grazing geese.

4. Evaluating Biosecurity of Finnish Broiler Production with Biocheck.UGent®

Nauholz Hannele, Toppari Ina
Animal Health ETT

Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) was detected in Finland for the first time in 2016 in wild birds. In2021, the first and only case of HPAI in poultry occurred on a pheasant farm. Avian orthoavulavirus 1 has also been diagnosed in domesticated pigeons in recent years, but the last case of Newcastle Disease in poultry was in 2004. Finland has been granted Newcastle disease free status within the EU without vaccinations by Regulation (EU) 2021/620. There is still a risk that these two viruses causing an A-list disease (Commission implementing regulation (EU) 2018/1882) could spread also to poultry units.

Although biosecurity was believed to be well managed in commercial poultry farms, it was important to find out its actual level using a measurable method. In addition, it was necessary to be able to give personal advice to farmers, because not everybody can be reached by training in form of written instructions or lectures.

The Finnish Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry financed in 2022 a project to evaluate the biosecurity on broiler farms with the Biocheck.UGent method. The Tarikko-project was managed by Animal Health ETT. All 181 Finnish conventional broiler farms and 90 % of the parent stock farms were visited. Some additional, more specific questions relating rodent control, protection of feed etc. were asked.

The results showed that the biosecurity is at a good level in the broiler production. In international comparison, Finnish farms scored in most areas better than the world average. The average of the Finnish broiler farms (n=181) for the external biosecurity was 76 % compared with the worldwide average of 65 % (n=2609). The corresponding figures for the internal biosecurity were 78 % (Finland) and 71 % (worldwide). The total score of the Finnish broiler farms was 76 % compared to that worldwide of 67 %.

The high level of the biosecurity on the Finnish broiler farms is also confirmed by the fact that only very few infectious diseases have occurred in the production chain. Antibiotics have not been used for broilers since 2009. In Tarikko project, however, it became apparent that almost every farm had some detail in their biosecurity to develop. The most common development proposals concerned structure of the hygiene barrier, pest control as well as cleaning and disinfection during the break between batches. Mostly, the variation in the results between the farms was not very large. This can partially be explained by the strict contract production, where the same rules apply to every farm.

Two other projects are running to evaluate the biosecurity of turkey and laying hen farms (SuojaaSiKana and TauTi).

5. Intradermal vaccination against Lawsonia intracellularis decreases bacterial load in feces

Sanna Nikunen, Peter Astrup
MSD Animal Health Nordic, Denmark

Lawsonia intracellularis is a common pathogen in swine farms around the world. It causes diarrhea and poor growth, leading to economic losses. Increasing numbers of Lawsonia intracellularis in feces are negatively correlated to average daily weight gain. Intradermal vaccination has proven to be effective against Lawsonia intracellularis infection by decreasing bacterial shedding and improving daily weight gain in experimental conditions. The aim of this study was to evaluate bacterial load before and after vaccination in nursery pigs under field conditions.

Materials and methods

Seven sow farms (70 – 1750 sows/farm) participated into study. Before study started, all farms were examined with sock samples at 9 and 11 weeks of age. One sock sample was a pooled sample from different pens including < 60 pigs. Up to three samples were taken from the same age groups/farm. Second sampling round was made from same age groups after farms had used intradermal Lawsonia intracellularis vaccine (Porcilis Lawsonia ID vet, MSD Animal Health) for 3 months. Vaccination age for piglets was 21-32 days. Altogether 33 samples were collected during the study (July 2021 to January 2022).

The sock samples were analyzed by qPCR in Technical University (first round) and Veterinary Laboratory Kjellerup (second round) in Denmark for E.coli F4 and F18, Lawsonia intracellularis and Brachyspira pilosicoli using the same method.

For statistical analysis paired T-test was performed, considering farm as statistical unit.

Average number of Lawsonia intracellularis bacteria in qPCR before study was 6,14 log10 (±1,21) and after vaccination period 4,42 log10 (±1,43) (p-value 0,017).

Discussion and conclusions
In this study we demonstrated that intradermal vaccination against Lawsonia intracellularis decreases bacterial shedding in nursery pigs. Difference in these two groups was 1,72 log10. The number of bacteria in feces correlates to severity of disease and by vaccinating you can reduce bacterial load in the gut and consequently symptoms in growing pigs.

6. An intense deworming scheme with Fenbendazole as a tool to reduce liver condemnations in Finnish slaughterhouse – a case report

Sanna Nikunen¹, Juha-Pekka Jalli², Peter Astrup¹
1 MSD Animal Health Nordic, Denmark
2 Forssa, Finland

Ascaris suum is a parasite that infests pigs causing “white spot” lesions in the liver, leading to condemnation at the abattoir and having an economic impact. Finnish abattoirs subtract approximately 2.50 euros/condemned liver. The aim of this case-report was to evaluate the effectof different deworming strategies against Ascaris suum in fatteners.

Materials and methods

A farrow-to-finish 600-sow farm was selected. This herd had historic high liver condemnation rates, despite routine deworming against Ascaris suum of sows prior to farrowing and piglets around 7 weeks of age (recommended deworming scheme at Guidelines for prevention of Ascaris suum in Finnish pig farms. Suolinkainen torjuntaohje 2014). Pigs entered the fattening unit at 30 kg and were slaughtered at 120-135 kg live weight. Liver condemnations were recorded batchwise from June 2017 until June 2019. During this time, three deworming schemes were compared during consecutive periods: Historic period (recommended scheme only) from June 2017 to August 2018 (14 batches, n=13359 pigs); transition period (recommended scheme & Panacur Aquasol™, MSD Animal Health, <2 deworming treatments during fattening period) from September to October 2018 (3 batches, n=2830 pigs); and fenbendazole period (recommended scheme & 3 deworming treatments; namely every 5-6 weeks during fattening) from November 2018 to June 2019 (8 batches, n=6851 pigs). One-way ANOVA model was performed, considering batch as statistical unit.

The liver condemnation rates were 73.5±6.3%, 66.9±6.9% and 20.8±8.3%, during the historic,transition and fenbendazole periods, respectively (p=0,00001).

Discussion and conclusions
As the cycle of Ascaris suum lasts 5 weeks, a more intense deworming was required to break the cycle in this farm with high liver condemnation rates. Implementation of intensive deworming scheme every 5-6 weeks with fenbendazole in oral suspension decreased liver condemnations significantly from 74% to 21%, leading to an increased revenue of 0.57 euro/pig and a positive return of investment.

7. The effect of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug on the distance travelled by reindeer in the wilderness after castration

Hanna Nurmi, Sauli Laaksonen, Anna Valros, Laura Hänninen
Faculty of veterinary medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland

During seasonal round-ups old reindeer males, no longer wanted for breeding, are clamp castrated, mostlywithout pain relief, and then released back to the wild. No studies have been conducted on the effect of meloxicam on the behavior of castrated reindeer in the wild after the procedure. We installed GPS collars on 16 male reindeer (5–6 y, 130-160 kg), chosen to be castrated as a standard procedure in the round-up. Of these, 8 were randomly selected to receive approximately 0.5 mg/kg of meloxicam subcutaneously (NSAID) and 8 served as a traditional nonmedicated control (TRAD).We calculated from the GPS data the daily distances the reindeer travelled during the three days after castration and analyzed the differences between the treatments using a GENLINMIX model. Fixed factors were treatment (NSAID or TRAD), days (1–3) and the interaction between these. Overall, the mean±sem daily distances of NSAID and TRAD reindeer did not differ. However, the days differed (p<0.001): reindeer travelled longer distances on the 1st than 3rd day after castration (9.09±0.96 km vs. 5.75±0.39 km, p<0.001), distances traveled on the 2nd day did not differ from either. Moreover, we found an interaction between treatment and day (p=0.01): TRAD travelled longer distances than NSAID during the 1st and 2nd days after castration (11.67±2.25 km vs. 7.08±0.61 km and 10.19±3.87 km vs. 6.59±0.85 km, p<0.05 for both), with no difference on the 3rd day. Our results indicate that meloxicam may reduce restlessness in castrated reindeer in the wild for two days after castration. This is in line with the presumed therapeutic level of meloxicam and the pain behaviours after clamp castration shown in other species. GPS collars are promising devices for pain monitoring in freely moving reindeer.The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee on Animal Research, University of Helsinki(16/2020) and Finnish Medicines Agency (Vetkl-nro 04/2019).

8. Nautojen hyvinvointi- ja terveysdataa sisältävät tietojärjestelmät Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Saksassa ja Virossa

Anri Timonen, Pekka Kilpeläinen
Mittaustekniikan yksikkö, Kajaanin Yliopistokeskus, Oulun Yliopisto, Kajaani, Suomi

Nautojen hyvinvointi- ja terveysdatan, jonka tuottamisessa myös eläinlääkärit ovat merkittävässä asemassa, kerääminen on lisääntynyt lainsäädännön, kuluttajien vaatimusten ja maatalouden digitalisaation myötä. Nautojen hyvinvointia sekä datan hyödyntämistä koskeva EU-lainsäädäntö on uudistumassa ja nykyisesti kerätyn nautojen hyvinvointi- ja terveysdatan kartoittaminen on ajankohtaista. Nautojen hyvinvointi- ja terveysdatan laaja-alainen hyödyntäminen nautakarjataloudessa parantaa eläinterveyttä- ja hyvinvointia sekä elintarviketurvallisuutta taaten elinkeinon läpinäkyvyyden ja kestävyyden kansallisesti ja globaalisti.

Tutkimme vuoden 2021 aikana Suomessa, Ruotsissa, Saksassa ja Virossa käytössä olevia ja kansallisesti tärkeitä nautojen hyvinvointi- ja terveysdataa sisältäviä tietojärjestelmiä sekä analysoimme niiden toimintoja, integrointia, omistajuutta ja saavutettavuutta asiantuntijahaastatteluiden avulla. Rajasimme pois laitevalmistajien ja elintarviketeollisuuden ylläpitämät tietojärjestelmät. Tietojärjestelmä on kokonaisuus, joka sisältää tietokannan, tietokannan hallintajärjestelmän sekä tarvittavat ohjelmointirajapinnat, sovellukset ja teknologiainfrastruktuurin, joita datan keräykseen, muokkaukseen ja siirtoon vaaditaan. Lisäksi toteutimme maakohtaisia eläviä laboratorioita, joissa data-asiantuntijat sekä tietojärjestelmien käyttäjät analysoivat syvemmin niiden toimintoja ja käytettävyyttä. Aikaisemmin vastaavanlaista tutkimusta ei ole tehty nautojen hyvinvointi- ja terveysdataa sisältävistä tietojärjestelmistä.

EU-lainsäädännön mukaiset nautarekisteri ja mikrobilääkkeiden käyttörekisteri olivat jokaisessa tutkimusmaassa valtio-omisteisia ja -rahoitettuja. Nautarekisteriin nautojen tunnistustiedot syötettiin manuaalisesti. Mikrobilääkkeiden käyttörekisteriin eläinlääkäri syötti datan manuaalisesti tai potilastietojärjestelmän ohjelmointirajapinnan kautta. Tuotannonohjaukseen tarkoitettujen tietojärjestelmien lukumäärä erosi maittain. Suomessa ja Ruotsissa niitä oli neljä, Saksassa kolme ja Virossa yksi. Tietojärjestelmien omistajuus oli kaikissa tutkimusmaissa maataloustuottajien osuuskunnilla, yhdistyksillä tai neuvontajärjestöillä. Poikkeuksena oli virolainen, 93,3 % valtio-omisteinen Eesti Põllumajandusloomade Jõudluskontroll (EPJ) tietojärjestelmä. Tietojärjestelmiin syötettiin dataa manuaalisesti tai ohjelmointirajapintojen kautta mm. nautojen tunnistetiedoista, hedelmällisyydestä ja jalostusarvoista, maidon bakteriologisista tutkimuksista, tuotosseurantatuloksista, sorkkahoidoista, naudoilla esiintyvistä sairauksista ja käytetyistä lääkityksistä. Suomen Naseva erosi muista tutkimusmaiden tietojärjestelmistä, sillä se yhdisti nautojen hyvinvointi- ja terveysdataa eri tietojärjestelmistä mahdollistaen myös tiettyjen laboratoriotulosten, teurastietojen sekä tilatasolla eläinten hyvinvoinnin ja terveyden tarkastelun. Ohjelmointirajapinnat tietojärjestelmien välillä toimivat Suomessa ja Ruotsissa sujuvasti ja tiedonsiirto perustui datan omistajan ja tietojärjestelmän tarjoajan välisiin sopimuksiin. Virossa nautojen tunnistustiedot siirtyivät ohjelmointirajapinnan välityksellä nautarekisteristä EPJ tietojärjestelmään. Saksassa tiedonsiirtoa tietojärjestelmien välillä oli vähemmän ja datan syöttö tietojärjestelmiin oli pääosin manuaalista.

Jokaisen tutkimusmaan elävässä laboratoriossa nousi esiin tietojärjestelmien toiminnallisuuteen, kerätyn datan hyödyntämiseen sekä datan turvalliseen käyttöön liittyvät tekijät. Tietojärjestelmien käyttäjäystävällisyyden todettiin olevan osin puutteellista ja niitä tulisi kehittää helppokäyttöisiksi sovelluksiksi, joihin datansyöttö tapahtuu mobiililaitteella ja datansiirron tulisi tapahtua ohjelmointirajapintoja pitkin. Hyödyllistä dataa tulisi kerätä standardisoidussa muodossa ja automaattilypsylaitteiston tuottama data tulisi integroida muuhun kerättyyn dataan nykyistä paremmin. Kerätyn datan jatkoanalysoinnin tulisi mahdollistaa eläinten hyvinvoinnin ja tilan tuottavuuden parantaminen, sen tulisi olla visualisoituna helppolukuiseksi kuvaajaksi ja sen perusteella tulisi olla tarjolla suoria tilatason toimenpide-ehdotuksia ja arvioita eläinten hyvinvoinnin ja terveydentilan taloudellisista vaikutuksista. Myös tietojen vertailu kansallisesti ja kansainvälisesti tulisi mahdollistaa tietojärjestelmienohjelmointirajapintojen avulla. Toisaalta selkeät säännöt tulisi luoda kerätyn datan oikeudenmukaiseen käyttöön arvoketjussa ja datan turvallisen hyödyntämisen takaamiseksi.

Tutkimusmaiden tietojärjestelmät olivat samankaltaisia omistajuuden ja syötetyn datan osalta, mutta niiden lukumäärä ja ohjelmointirajapintojen olemassaolo erosivat maittain. Vaikka elävät laboratoriot toteutettiin erilaisissa nautakarjatalousmaissa, olivat keskusteluiden johtopäätökset yhteneväisiä. Nautojen hyvinvointi- ja terveysdataa kerääviä tietojärjestelmiä tulisi kehittää käyttäjäystävällisemmiksi ja mahdollistaa kerätyn datan tehokas ja turvallinen hyödyntäminen nautatilan eläinterveyden ja tuottavuuden parantamiseksi. Uudistuva nautojen hyvinvointia ja datan hyödyntämistä koskeva EU-lainsäädäntö korostaa nautojen hyvinvointi- ja terveysdatan merkitystä arvoketjun jokaisella asteella. Tutkimuksemme tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää nautojen hyvinvointi- ja terveysdataa keräävien tietojärjestelmien kehittämiseksi ja hyödyntämiseksi nautakarjatalouden arvoketjussa.

9. Evaluating Biosecurity of Finnish Swine Farms with Biocheck.UGent®

Toppari Ina, Talvitie Vera
Animal Health ETT

Sikava¹ is in Finland. Sikava covers over 95 % of commercial pig production in Finland. In the Sikava system herd veterinarians visit pig farms regularly and several times per year depending on herd size and production type. On farm visits observations of swine health, welfare, housing conditions and biosecurity are made by vets and recorded in the database. Every year a herd-specific health plan is updated. Biosecurity has always played a key role in Sikava health management scheme. A zero-tolerance for salmonella and risk of African Swine Fever in neighbouring countries (even in Sweden in September 2023) emphasise the importance of biosecurity measures. In 2019 Biocheck -evaluations were added to the Sikava health management scheme, in order to improve biosecurity in commercial swine herds. Since 2021 the evaluation has had to be done every 12 months.

Biocheck.UGent® system² is a risk-based questionnaire on most important biosecurity measures. Each question and subcategory have weighed scoring. Results are expressed in two categories, external and internal biosecurity. The questionnaire is integrated into the Sikava online register by a licence. The biosecurity measures which need improvement are recorded in the health management plan. Herd vets are trained to do Biocheck audits in order to increase the uniformity of the readings. The slaughterhouses can access the audit results of their client farms and the national reference values. The number of surveys done and results from Finland were gathered from Sikava, and the results of other countries was gathered from the Biocheck.UGent® webpage.³

Biosecurity results in pig farms in Finland during the years 2019-2022 were evaluated. The results have slightly improved each year. Trends and deviation can be shown with graphs in poster. Results of 13 037 audits from other countries are presented on the UGent webpages³.

Biocheck.UGent® survey is an efficient tool to improve biosecurity on swine farms. The survey has limitations and is not adapted to Finnish conditions with national high health status of swine herds. However, the study was not modified to make it comparable with international results. The shortcomings of the survey have been covered in the pest control section of the health management plan. The Biocheck survey is at its best as a consultation toolbetween the herd veterinarian and the producer.


10. Yliopistollisessa hevossairaalassa ähkyn takia hoidettujen hevosten sairastumisentaustalla olevien riskitekijöiden kartoitus

S. Airaksinen¹, A. Mykkänen², H. Suomala¹, A.-M. Olbricht¹ & M.-L. Heiskanen¹
¹Suomen Hevostietokeskus ry, Kiuruvesi,
²Eläinlääketieteellinentiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Ähky on yksi yleisimmistä eläinlääkärikäyntiä vaativista päivystystapauksista ja myös merkittävä hevostenkuolinsyy. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää ähkyn taustalla olevia riskitekijöitä.

Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena hevosenomistajille, joiden hevosia oli hoidettu ähkyoireiden takia Helsingin yliopiston Yliopistollisessa Hevossairaalassa marraskuussa 2020 – lokakuussa 2021. Kyselyyn vastanneet saivat palkinnoksi yksilöllisen ruokintasuunnitelman hevoselleen. Hevosten diagnoositiedot tarkistettiin hevossairaalan potilasohjelmasta. Kyselyyn saatiin yhteensä 139 vastausta. Selvitykseen osallistuneista hevosista 50 % oli iältään 2–10 -vuotiaita, 38 % 11–19 -vuotiaita ja 11 % 20-vuotiaita tai vanhempia. Puoliverisiä ratsuhevosia oli 32 %, suomenhevosia 25 % ja poneja 16 %. Hevosen pitopaikka oli useimmiten talli ja ulkotarha (77 %). Hevosen pitopaikassa tapahtuvan toiminnan pääasiallinen laatu oli yleisimmin täysihoitotalli (40 %). Yli puolessa tapauksista hevosen tekemän työn kuormittavuus vastasi normaalitilanteessa  kevyttä  työskentelyä  (esim.  harrastehevonen).  Yleisimmät  diagnoosit  olivat ummetusähky (n=77) ja asennonmuutosähky (n=36). Kahdeksassa tapauksessa hevosen ähkyoireet olivat parantuneet ennen tutkimusten tekoa. Ähkyn hoitokeino oli lääkkeellinen 126 hevosella ja 13 hevosta leikattiin. Selvitykseen osallistuneista hevosista 103 kotiutettiin (74 %).

Kyselyn avulla selvitettiin taustatietojen lisäksi hevosen aiempia ähkyjä, ulkoilun määrää, ruokintaa ja juomaveden saatavuutta sekä muutoksia hevosen pito- ja hoito-olosuhteissa. Aineisto jaettiin kahteen ryhmään ähkyjen määrän mukaan (”1. ähky” ja ”useampi ähky”). Ryhmien yhteys vastausvaihtoehtoihin selvitettiin Khiin neliö -testillä. P-arvoa alle 0.05 pidettiin tilastollisesti merkittävänä.

Vajaalla puolella hevosista (42 %) oli ollut useampi ähky ja 33 % hevosista oli saanut ähkyyn liittyen hoitoa eläinlääkäriltä (n=139). Noin kolmanneksella hevosista oli todettu aiemmin hiekkaa suolistossa. Aiemmin todettu hiekka oli yleisempää niiden hevosten ryhmässä, joilla oli taustalla useampi ähky (p<0.001). Tarhausaika oli valtaosalla (84 %) hevosista vähintään 7 h/vrk ja tarhan pohjan päämateriaalina oli yleisimmin joko hiekka tai maapohja, jossa oli kulunut kasvipeite. Noin puolet tarhassa pidetyistä hevosista (n=128) söi tai kaivoi tarhan pohjaa (esim. maata, kasvien lyhyitä korsia tai juuria) ja kyseinen käytös oli merkitsevästi yleisempää hevosilla, joilla oli ollut useampi ähky (p<0.001). Yli kolmannes hevosista söi karkearehun suoraan maasta tarhassa. Puolet vastaajista ilmoitti, että hevosen tarha siivotaan päivittäin (lannan ja mahdollisten rehuntähteiden poisto).

Hevosen juomaveden saanti oli toteutettu sankojuotolla (43 %), juomavesiautomaatilla (29 %) tai esimerkiksi edellä mainittujen yhdistelmällä. Kahdentoista hevosen vedenjuonti oli hevosenomistajan mukaan vähentynyt viimeisten 3–4 vuorokauden aikana ennen ähkyä, ja 38 vastaajaa ei tiennyt oliko vedenjuonti vähentynyt. Tallissa ja tarhassa pidetyistä hevosista 67 % joi tallissa ennen tarhaan menoa. Noin 5 %:lla (X/139) hevosista ei ollut vettä saatavissa tarhassa/laitumella ja syyskuusta helmikuuhun vain 40 %:lla (Y/80) hevosista oli lämmitetty juoma-astia. Automaattisen juomakupin vedenvirtausnopeus oli tarkistettu vajaalla puolella sitä käyttävistä hevosista. Puutteelliseen vedensaantiin viittaavia tekijöitä esiintyi yhtä paljon sekä 1. ähkyn että useamman ähkyn saaneiden hevosten ryhmissä.

Tarhan pohjan syöminen tai kaivaminen lisää maa-ainesten kulkeutumista hevosen suolistoon ja oli tässä tutkimuksessa ähkyn riskitekijä hiekka- tai kuluneissa maapohjatarhoissa pidettävillä hevosilla. Hevosen riittävä vedensaanti ei aina toteudu niiden nykyisissä hoito- ja pito-olosuhteissa ja juomaveden kulutukseen,laatuun ja saatavuuteen tulisikin kiinnittää paremmin huomiota kaikkina vuodenaikoina.

11. The effect of constant rate infusion of detomidine with and without vatinoxan on the bloodglucose and insulin concentrations in horses

I.A.M. Hallman¹*, H.A. Tapio¹, M.R. Raekallio¹, N.P. Karikoski¹
¹Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland

The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of an alpha2-adrenoceptor agonist (detomidine) and-antagonist (vatinoxan) infusion on blood glucose and insulin concentrations in horses.

Nine Finnhorse mares (11.4±4.5 years) received two treatments in randomized order: detomidine (loading dose 0.01 mg/kg + infusion 0.015 mg/kg/h) (DET) and a combination of DET and vatinoxan (0.15 mg/kg + 0.05 mg/kg/h) (DET+VAT) by a cross-over design. The infusion lasted for 60 minutes. Venous blood samples were collected for blood glucose and insulin concentration analysis before the loading dose (time point –5 min), before the start of the infusion (time point 0 min) and at 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 and 300 minutes. Blood glucose was analyzed immediately after collection with a glucometer (Alpha-TRAK II). Insulin was analyzed with equine-optimised ELISA (Mercodia equine insulin ELISA).

Peak mean blood glucose, 11.5±1.6 mmol/L, occurred at the end of DET infusion (60 min) and was significantly higher than with DET+VAT (6.9±0.6 mmol/L, p< 0.001). Mean insulin nadir occurred at the same time point with the peak glucose (60 min) with both treatments but during DET (1.4±0.9 IU/mL, p<0.001) the concentration was significantly lower compared to DET+VAT (3.8±1.4 IU/mL). Peak mean insulin concentration occurred with DET at 180 minutes and was significantly higher with DET (37.3±22.1 IU/mL) than with DET+VAT (15.8±7.8 IU/mL, p=0.005).

The detomidine-induced initial hypoinsulinemia and increase in blood glucose were alleviated by vatinoxan. Furthermore, no subsequent compensatory increase in insulin concentration was detected with vatinoxan after the 60-minute infusion.

Acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank Vetcare Oy (Finland) for providing funding for the execution of this study.

This study was approved by the National Animal Experimentation Board of Finland.

12. A new reversal learning test for horses

Mira Hämäläinen ¹, Iina Brotherus ¹, Tuire Kaimio ², Laura Hänninen ¹, Heli Suomala ¹,³ , Anna-MariOlbricht ³, Anna Mykkänen ¹
1 Faculty of veterinary medicine, University of Helsinki
2 ST Vahviste, Finland
3 Equine Information Centre, Finland

Learning difficulties may be linked to sleep disorders in horses, but so far, no practical test suitable for stableconditions has been available. We tested a novel reversal learning test (RLT) on 16 riding school horses. Before the RLT, horses were conditioned to touch an object presented individually from both sides and at different distances for median (CL95%) duration of 16.0 (16.8–19.6) min. During RLT, horses were required to reach a rate of 7 touches per minute, after which the target side was reversed until the test was over. The end criteria were that the treats were finished, the horse stopped working or 30 min had elapsed. Two days after RLT, we recorded the duration of REM-like-sleep (REMLS, resting neck relaxed) the horses performed in their stalls from 16 to 08. We scored it further as lasting either for less or at least 20 min (short or long REMLS). We tested with a log-rank test the possible differences in learning curves between short or long REMLS. Overall, 15/16 horses completed the test, with a median (CL95%) number of 6.0 (6.1–7.4) successful turns in 14.0 (12.4–14.6) min. However, the median number of successful turns was at 5 (3.9–6.1) for short REMSL and at 6 (4.3–7.7) for long REMSL (χ2= 6.4, p = 0.01). We concluded, that RLT can be performed under stable conditions. More studies are needed, but differences in test success may be explained by differencesin sleep.

13. The amount of hyaluronic acid and airway remodeling increase with inflammationin a model of equine asthma

Höglund N¹*, Rossi H¹, Javela H-M¹, Oikari S², Nieminen P², Mustonen A-M²,³, Airas N¹, Kärjä V⁴,Mykkänen A¹
¹ Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland
² Institute of Biomedicine, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Kuopio, Finland
³ Department of Environmental and Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology, University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu, Finland
⁴ Department of Clinical Pathology, Diagnostic Imaging Center, Kuopio University Hospital, Kuopio, Finland

Equine asthma (EA) is a chronic inflammatory condition of hyperresponsive airways that leads to structuraland functional changes. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a polysaccharide with crucial functions in the extracellular matrix homeostasis, and in inflammatory mediator activity. The biological activity of HA depends on its size: low-molecular-weight (LMW) HA stimulates cell migration and inflammatory protein production, while high-molecular-weight (HMW) HA has anti-inflammatory and tissue protecting functions. HA concentration in the lungs increases in human airway diseases, however, its association with naturally occurring EA and airway remodeling has not been previously studied.

The aim was to investigate the association of EA severity, airway remodeling, and HA concentration in control horses (n = 33), horses with naturally occurring mild/moderate EA (MMEA, n = 17), and severe EA (SEA, n = 10). HA concentrations were measured from bronchoalveolar lavage supernatant (SUP) and plasma, and the remodeling and HA staining intensity were assessed from endobronchial biopsies obtained during endoscopy. We hypothesized that HA concentration and airway remodeling increase with disease severity.

The HA concentration in SUP was higher in SEA horses compared to controls (p = 0.008), and it correlated positively with BALF neutrophil-% (rs = 0.388, p = 0.002) and blood fibrinogen concentration (rs = 0.271, p = 0.038), and negatively with partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (rs = –0.307, p = 0.019). Although the data did not allow statistical testing, the HA size distribution in SUP samples suggests that the amount and % of LMW HA were higher in SEA horses compared to controls and MMEA horses. Furthermore, the % of HMW HA was higher in MMEA compared to controls and SEA horses. Plasma HA concentrations were not different between the groups (p = 0.853). In the endobronchial biopsies, EA horses showed epithelial cell hyperplasia and inflammatory cell infiltrate, SEA horses also showed fibrosis and desquamation of the epithelium. The degree of remodeling was different between control and SEA horses (p = 0.016), and MMEA and SEA horses (p = 0.048). The histological score correlated positively with BALF neutrophil-% (rs = 0.414, p = 0.023) and mucus amount in trachea (rs = 0.382, p = 0.037). Intense HA staining was observed in bronchial cell membranes, basement membranes, and connective tissue without significant differences between the groups.

The release of HA to the airway lumen increases in naturally occurring EA without clear changes in its tissue distribution. The study also showed indications of changes in the size distribution of HA in the airways of horses with naturally occurring EA. Significant airway remodeling only develops in severe disease.

14. Lipid species profiling of equine bronchoalveolar lavage cells: a comparison oflipid profiles of horses housed on two different bedding materials

Jenni Mönki¹, Minna Holopainen², Hanna Ruhanen², Ninja Karikoski ¹, Reijo Käkelä², Anna Mykkänen¹.
1 Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland.
2 Helsinki University Lipidomics Unit (HiLIPID), Helsinki Institute of Life Sciences (HiLIFE),
University of Helsinki, Finland.

The effects of inflammation on equine bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) cells´ lipidome have not been studied.

The aim of this prospective crossover study was to identify lipids associated withprogression/resolution of airway inflammation. BALF cells from healthy adult horses (n=22)challenged with two bedding materials (Peat 1 – Wood shavings (WS) – Peat 2)underwent lipidomic analysis with liquid chromatography—tandem mass spectrometry. The effects of bedding period on the lipid class and species compositions were tested with rmANOVA. The individual phosphatidylcholine (PC) species correlations in the molarpercentage (mol%) data of the BALF cells were demonstrated by Principal Component Analysis (PCA).

The main results of the study were the following: Differences between the beddings were foundin the mol% levels of 68 individual lipid species. PC class and PC 32:0 levels were higherafter Peat 2 period compared to WS period (both P < .001). In the PCA, PC 32:0 (mainmolecular species 16:0_16:0) was enriched after Peat 2 whereas PC 36:4 (containing 20:4n-6,arachidonic acid) got the highest values after WS. Phosphatidylinositol (PI) 38:4 (mainmolecular species 18:0_20:4) was higher after WS compared to both peat periods (P= .004). BALF cell count correlated positively with phosphatidylserine, sphingomyelin, ceramide, hexosylceramide and triacylglycerol mol% and negativelywith PC mol% class totals. BALF cell count correlated positively with PI 38:4.

To conclude, the novel findings of this study were that equine BALF cells´ lipid species profiles indicated changes in airway inflammation between bedding materials. Furthermore, the proportions of PC 32:0 and PC 36:4 species correlated negatively, differentiating the beddings. This ratio is a promising marker of inflammation versus resolution.

15. Korkeavirtaushappi vastasyntyneen varsan anestesiassa intubaation korvaajana, tapausselostus

Heini Rossi, Jenni Mönki, Anna-Maija Teppo, Anna Mykkänen, Heli K. Hyytiäinen
Kliinisen hevos- ja pieneläinlääketieteen osasto, Eläinlääketieteellinen tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Varsojen sairaalahoidon aikana on usein tarvetta yleisanestesiaa vaativalle toimenpiteelle, kuten nivelhuuhtelulle tai vatsaontelon kirurgialle. Yleisanestesian aikana varsa tyypillisesti intuboidaan, jotta voidaan ylläpitää tasaista anestesiaa inhaloitavan kaasuanesteetin avulla, antaa happea sekä tarvittaessa myös ventiloida varsaa mekaanisesti. Intubaatioon liittyy kuitenkin myös riskitekijöitä, kuten esimerkiksi kurkunpään alueen tai henkitorven trauma, ja intubaatioon voi pikkuvarsalla liittyä myös teknisiä ongelmia intubaatioputkea asettaessa.

Ihmisillä käytetään nykyään korkeavirtaushappea hengitysvajauksen hoidossa silloin, kun tavanomainen happihoito ei ole riittävä mutta mekaaninen ventilaatio ei ole indikoitu tai on kontraindikoitu. Korkeavirtaushappea on alettu käyttää myös anestesian yhteydessä perioperatiivisesti mm. esihapetuksessa ja  anestesian  induktiossa  sekä  ylähengitysteiden  kirurgian  aikana  intubaation  sijaan. Korkeavirtaushappilaitteen avulla hengitystukea voidaan antaa suurempina virtauksina kuin tavanomaisilla menetelmillä, sillä laite kostuttaa ja lämmittää tuottamansa hapen ja ilman seoksen parantaen sen siedettävyyttä. Tehokkaamman hapetuksen ja vähentyneen hengitystyön lisäksi suurempi virtaus ylläpitää positiivista ilmatiepainetta, edistää hengitysteiden mukosiliaarista puhdistumista sekä huuhtelee anatomista hukkatilaa. Korkeavirtaushapen käytöstä varsoilla on toistaiseksi vain yksi julkaisu eikä käyttöä anestesian aikana  ole  raportoitu.  Tässä  tapausselostuksessa  kuvataan  korkeavirtaushapen  käyttökokemus vastasyntyneen varsan anestesiassa intubaation korvaajana ensimmäistä kertaa Suomessa.

Vuorokauden ikäinen lämminverinen orivarsa tuotiin kesäkuussa 2022 Yliopistollisen hevossairaalan hätäpäivystykseen makaavana heikkouden vuoksi. Tutkimuksissa todettiin sepsis (ml. vakava leukopenia, Actinobacillus suis -bakteerikasvu veriviljelynäytteessä), kuivuminen, täydellinen vasta-ainepuutos (IgG <400 mg/dl) ja keuhkokuume, ja lisäksi varsalla oli ripulia. Varsalle aloitettiin tehohoito, johon kuului mm. laajakirjoinen  antibiootti,  tavanomainen  sierainhappilisä,  plasmansiirto,  suonensisäinen  neste-  ja ravintohoito, verenpainetta ylläpitävä lääkitys sekä tarvittavat tukihoidot. Lisäksi varsa sai ravintoa ruokintaletkun kautta sekä hengityselinfysioterapiaa osana tieteellistä tutkimusta.

Neljän päivän sairaalahoidon jälkeen varsan oikean etujalan radiokarpaali- ja interkarpaalinivelissä todettiin bakteeritulehdus. Varsalle tehtiin lyhyessä suonensisäisessä anestesiassa nivelhuuhtelu injektioneulojen kautta varsan maatessa patjalla. Intubaation sijaan varsalle aloitettiin hengityksen ja hapetuksen tueksi korkeavirtaushappi toimenpiteen ajaksi. Korkeavirtaushapen antoon käytettiiin Optiflow Airvo 2 -laitetta (Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Auckland, Uusi-Seelanti). Laitteiston ihmisille tarkoitettu sierainkappale korvattiin FR24-kokoisella (ulkohalkaisija 8 mm) rintaonteloimuletkulla (Thoracic Drainage Catheter, La-med Healthcare Ptv. Ltd., Faridabad, Haryana, Intia), joka asetettiin varsan toiseen sieraimeen (toisessa sieraimessa oli ruokintaletku) ja kiinnitettiin varsaan ihoteipillä. Sieraimessa oleva letku ulottui silmän sisäkulmaan asti, ja se yhdistettiin korkeavirtaushappilaitteeseen Y-kappaleella (Airvo Dual flow adaptor 22 mm Female, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare). Y-kappaleen haaroja lyhennettiin riittävän virtaustason mahdollistamiseksi. Korkeavirtaushappilaite yhdistettiin sairaalan hapenjakelujärjestelmään, ja anestesian aikana käytettiin 45–60 l/min virtausta ja 36 %:n happilisää. Näillä asetuksilla saavutettiin tasainen hengitystiheys sekä 91–96 %:n happisaturaatio, mikä oli selvästi parempi kuin ennen anestesiaa varsan ollessa hereillä (alle 90 %). Happisaturaatiota seurattiin pulssioksimetrillä (Nonin PalmSAT 2500A VET, Jørgen Kruuse, Langeskov, Tanska) huulesta jatkuvasti anestesian aikana. Välittömästi toimenpiteen loputtua varsavielä anestesiassa tutkittu valtimoveren happiosapaine oli 81,5 mmHg, mikä oli varsan keuhkokuumehuomioiden hyväksyttävissä rajoissa. Anestesian aikana tai sen jälkeen ei todettu korkeavirtaushappihoitoonliittyviä kliinisesti merkittäviä ongelmia.

Varsan sairaalahoito jatkui yhteensä 19 päivää, minkä jälkeen varsa pystyttiin sen toivuttua kotiuttamaan. Tämän  tapausselostuksen  kliinisen  käyttökokemuksen  perusteella  korkeavirtaushappihoito  on käyttökelpoinen, turvallinen ja teknisesti helppokäyttöinen menetelmä anestesian aikaiseen hengitystukeenvarsalla intubaation korvaajana lyhyissä anestesiaa vaativissa toimenpiteissä.

16. Korkeavirtaushappihoito vastasyntyneellä varsalla, tapausselostus

Anna-Maija Teppo, Heli K. Hyytiäinen, Jenni Mönki, Anna Mykkänen, Heini Rossi
Kliinisen hevos- ja pieneläinlääketieteen osasto, Eläinlääketieteellinen tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Korkeavirtaushappihoitoa  käytetään  yleisesti  ihmisten  hengitysvaikeuksien  hoidossa  silloin,  kun tavanomainen happihoito ei enää riitä, mutta invasiiviselle mekaaniselle ventilaatiolle ei ole vielä indikaatiota. Korkeavirtaushappilaite kostuttaa ja lämmittää tuottamansa hapen ja ilman seoksen, jolloin hengitystukea voidaan antaa suurempina virtauksina kuin perinteisillä menetelmillä, ja hapensaanti on tehokkaampaa. Korkeampi virtaus huuhtelee lisäksi tehokkaasti anatomista hukkatilaa, ylläpitää positiivista ilmatiepainetta, parantaa loppuhengityksen keuhkotilavuutta sekä tehostaa värekarvatoimintaa ja liman irrotusta  hengitysteistä.  Viime  vuosina  korkeavirtaushappihoitoa  on  alettu  käyttää  myös  koirien hengitysvajauksen hoidossa, mutta varsoilla korkeavirtaushappihoidon käytöstä on toistaiseksi vain yksi julkaisu. Tässä tapausselostuksessa kuvataan korkeavirtaushappihoidon käyttökokemus vastasyntyneellä varsalla ensimmäistä kertaa Suomessa.

Seitsemän tunnin ikäinen puoliverinen tammavarsa tuotiin huhtikuussa 2022 Yliopistolliseen hevossairaalan hätäpäivystykseen heikkouden vuoksi. Varsa oli syntynyt 328:n päivän tiineyden jälkeen, ja se oli tamman ensimmäinen varsa. Sairaalaan tuotaessa varsa oli voimaton ja makuulla. Varsassa oli kliinisiä merkkejä epäkypsyydestä (mm. taipuisat korvat). Yleistutkimuksessa ruumiinlämpö oli 36,8 °C, hengitystiheys 24/min ja syke 60/min. Limakalvot olivat punakat ja raajat palpoitaessa kylmät. Arteriaverikaasuissa todettiin vakava hypoksemia (PaO2 36,9 mmHg), lisäksi varsalla oli täydellinen vasta-ainepuutos (IgG <400 mg/dl) ja useita muita verinäytemuutoksia (mm. korkea kreatiniini ja laktaatti, asidoosi). Ultraäänitutkimuksessa todettiin pneumoniaan viittaavia tiivistymiä molemmin puolin keuhkoja. Tutkimuslöydösten perusteella epäiltiin myös hypoksista iskeemistä enkefalopatiaa sekä neonataalia isoerytrolyysiä. Varsalle aloitettiin tehohoito, johon kuului mm. tavanomainen sierainhappilisä, laajakirjoinen antibiootti, suonensisäinen nestehoito, plasma, glukoosilisä sekä tarvittavat tukihoidot.

Seuraavana päivänä varsalla oli edelleen vakava hypoksemia sierainhappilisästä huolimatta, joten tavanomaisen happilisän sijaan varsalle aloitettiin korkeavirtaushappihoito. Korkeavirtaushapen antoon käytettiiin Optiflow Airvo 2 -laitetta (Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, Auckland, Uusi-Seelanti). Koska laitteiston ihmisille tarkoitetut sierainkappaleet eivät sovi varsojen sieraimiin, tarvittiin anatomian huomioiva sovellus: varsan molempiin sieraimiin asetettiin FR 24 -kokoiset (ulkohalkaisija 8 mm) rintaonteloimuletkut (Thoracic Drainage Catheter, La-med Healthcare Ptv. Ltd., Faridabad, Haryana, Intia), jotka kiinnitettiin varsaan ihoteipillä ja yksittäisellä ihotikillä. Imuletkut ulottuivat sieraimissa silmän mediaalikulmaan asti, ja letkut yhdistettiin korkeavirtaushappilaitteeseen letkuihin sopivaksi muotoillulla Y-kappaleella (Airvo Dual flow adaptor 22 mm Female, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare). Y-kappaleen haaroja lyhennettiin, jotta lumen olisi riittävän iso haluttuun virtaustasoon. Laite yhdistettiin hapenjakelujärjestelmän venttiiliin. Varsan korkeavirtaushappihoidossa käytettiin laitteeseen asetettua virtausta 40 l/min sekä 30–40 %:n happilisää. Tällä saavutettiin n. 97–98 %:n happisaturaatio. Happisaturaatiota seurattiin pulssioksimetrillä (Nonin PalmSAT 2500A VET, Jørgen Kruuse, Langeskov, Tanska) vähintään kolmesti päivässä huulesta tai kaudaalisenvatsan ihopoimusta, josta oli ajettu karvat. Varsan hapetusta seurattiin saturaatiomittausten lisäksi myösarteriaverikaasuilla kerran päivässä. Virtaus ja happilisä pidettiin samana koko hoidon ajan happisaturaationpysyessä tavoitteeksi asetetulla tasolla (>94 %) ja stabiilina.

Varsa  sieti  korkeavirtaushappihoitoa  hyvin  eikä  merkittäviä  teknisiä  ongelmia  havaittu.  Toisena korkeavirtaushappihoitopäivänä  havaittiin  lievää  ilmapussien  tympaniaa,  joka  korjaantui,  kun sierainkappaleet puhdistettiin ja asetettiin uudestaan. Varsan yleisvointi kuitenkin heikkeni tehohoidosta huolimatta,  ja  viidentenä  sairaalassaolopäivänä  varsa  menehtyi  muista  kuin  pneumoniaan  tai korkeavirtaushappihoitoon liittyvistä syistä. Tämän tapausselostuksen kliinisen kokemuksen perusteella korkeavirtaushappihoito on kuitenkin turvallinen, hyvin siedetty ja teknisesti helppokäyttöinen mahdollisuus tehohoidossa olevan makaavan varsan tavanomaista sierainhappea tehokkaampaan hengitystukeen ja happilisään. Seisovalle ja liikkuvalle varsalle hoito ei sovellu laitteen letkuston lyhyen pituuden (1,75 m)vuoksi.

17. Is rein tension associated with horse behaviour and mouth lesions in harnessracing trotters? – Pilot study

Kati Tuomola¹*, Nina Mäki-Kihniä², Riikka Sirviö¹ and Anna Valros¹
1Research Centre for Animal Welfare, Department of Production Animal Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland
²Independent researcher, Pori, Finland

Mouth lesions have been reported in horses after several types of competitions. Rein tension is a potentialrisk factor for these, as it exerts pressure to rostral parts of the horses´ mouth via the bit. Our aim was to investigate rein tension during driving and its association with horse behaviour and mouth lesions.

The study included 8 horse-driver pairs. The horses were driven clockwise on a 1000 m oval race track for 3–4 km at walk and trot. Rein tension was measured with two sensors (Ipos Technology, Eindhoven, Netherlands). Speed was at the driver’s discretion. The researchers filmed the horse’s behaviour from a car driving alongside the horse on the outer track. The bit area of the mouth was examined before and after the performance.

Five 30-second sample tension areas, Low (L), Medium1 (M1), Medium2 (M2), High (H), and Peak (P), were visually selected from individual rein tension graphs. One observer, blinded to the rein tension results, annotated behaviors and gaits from the videos according to a predefined ethogram using the CowLog 3 software.

Based on calibration testing, we found that sensors were incapable of measuring weights (forces) exceeding 21 kg (206 N, left) and 24 kg (235 N, right). During the drive, maximum rein tension ranged from 128 N to 212 N (median 206±IQR60, left), and from 106 N to 236 N (209±103, right). In the sampled subsets, median rein tensions were (median, ± IQR): Left: L 4±2 N, M1 19±12 N, M2 42±19 N, H 70±69 N, P 46±50 N and Right: L 3±3 N, M1 17±15 N, M2 43±26 N, H 68±72 N, P 41±67 N.

At lower rein tension horses displayed higher duration of mouth closed (χ2 = 15.692, P = 0.003). At higher rein tension, horses displayed higher number of ear back (Friedman test, χ2 = 12.4, P = 0.015), higher number and duration of mouth wide open (χ2 = 12.283, P = 0.015), and higher duration of mouth opening repeatedly (χ2 = 10.711, P = 0.030).

None of the horses had mouth lesions before but three had moderate bruises in the bit area after a relatively short driving session. Median rein tension was numerically higher in horses with mouth lesions (median 35 N, 24–36 min–max, left) (34 N, 26–35, right) than in horses without lesions (22 N, 8–33, left) (18 N, 5–35, right). Horses with mouth lesions stayed in rushed walk for longer periods (13.3 s, 7.8–14.9/60 s) than horses without lesions (0.0 s, 0.0–0.5/60 s) (Mann-Whitney U test, U = 15.0, P = 0.036).

Rein tensions were notably high, considering previous studies imply horses may find tensions exceeding 6– 10 N aversive. Increased mouth and ear movements at higher rein tension may indicate mouth discomfort and high arousal. Rushed walking may indicate increased risk for mouth lesions. We suggest that by recognizing behaviours related to high rein tension it is possible to reduce the risk of discomfort andpotentially lesions in horses.


18. Fecal microbiota transplantation in dogs with tylosin responsive enteropathy - Aproof of concept study

Mohsen Hanifeh¹, Mirja Huhtinen², Tarmo Laine², Elisa Scarsella³, Holly Ganz³, Thomas Spillmann¹
¹Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, ²Orion Corporation, R&D, Espoo, Finland,
³AnimalBiome, Oakland, USA

Eighty-six percent of dogs with tylosin responsive enteropathy (TRE) relapse within one monthafter tylosin discontinuation. This can lead to long-term use of the antibiotic. Fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) is considered an alternative to long-term antibiotic therapy. This proof-of- concept study was a prospectively designed, double-blinded, placebo controlled clinical trial and aimed at assessing the efficacy of oral freeze-dried FMT capsules from one healthy dog donor to treat TRE in pet dogs.

The trial consisted of recruitment, inclusion, and treatment phases with a treatment and a post- treatment period. Primary efficacy variable was the canine chronic enteropathy clinical activity index (CCECAI). Of 55 dogs from owners volunteering to the trial, 29 dogs were suspect to TRE and screened. Inclusion criteria were met by 14 dogs. They were randomized to either the FMT (n=7) or placebo group (n=7) and entered the treatment phase. All 14 dogs had CCECAI scores>3 when being without tylosin. All dogs received tylosin and when CCECAI was ≤ 3, tylosin was discontinued and FMT/placebo capsules were given daily for four weeks (treatment period). In the post-treatment follow-up period (4 weeks), the dogs did not receive any treatment.

Based on CCECAI, 5/7 (71.4%) dogs of the FMT group responded in the treatment period and 2/6 (33.3%) dogs remained without clinical signs in the post-treatment period. One dog was excluded due to receiving corticosteroids. In the placebo group, one dog developed pyometra and wasexcluded. Three of six remaining dogs (50%) relapsed during the treatment period, but three dogshad no clinical signs throughout both periods. There was no significant difference between FMTand placebo groups in the primary efficacy variable at different time points. Mild to moderate adverse events (AE) without causal relationship to the study treatment were recorded in 2/7 FMT dogs and 5/6 placebo dogs. However, in two dogs of the FMT group unexpected severe AEs were recorded during the post-treatment period (acute pancreatitis, bacterial fibro-necrotizing cholangitis). Both dogs were responders in the FMT treatment period and clinical signs of relapse occurred > 10 days after stopping FMT.

In conclusion, the FMT efficacy was slightly higher than placebo, but the difference was statistically not significant since the study was underpowered. A causal relationship between the unexpected severe AEs and FMT seems unlikely but cannot be ruled out. In humans, delivery- ormicrobiota-related severe AEs have been reported in 1.4% of patients receiving FMT.

19. Proteomic analysis of cerebrospinal fluid size-exclusion chromatography fractions

Petra Kangas¹, Tuula A. Nyman², Liisa Metsähonkala³, Tim Williams⁴, Jenni Karttunen¹,⁵* and Tarja S. Jokinen¹,⁶*
1 Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
2 Department of Immunology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway
3 Epilepsia Helsinki, Member of ERN-EpiCARE, Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland
4 Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
5 Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland FIMM, HiLIFE, University of Helsinki, Finland
6 Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland

*Shared last author

Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is located near the central nervous system and is secreted mostly by cells in thechoroid plexus. The cargo of extracellular vesicles (EVs) reflects the cells of origin, making CSF EVs a promising way of studying the brain. Here, we isolated EVs from canine CSF and analysed the proteome of three size- exclusion chromatography (SEC) fractions and CSF with (CSF depl.) and without depletion of common plasma proteins. Our future aim is to be able to study biomarkers for canine idiopathic epilepsy by analysing CSF EV proteomic content.

EVs were isolated by ultrafiltration combined with SEC from three 6ml pools of CSF collected from euthanised dogs donated for research. SEC fractions were analysed with nanoparticle tracking analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and immunoblotting. Proteomic analysis was performed using liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry on fractions 3-5, CSF, and CSF depl.

Characterisation indicated fraction 3 to contain the highest number of EV-like particles as expected. Still, TEM imaging showed populations of smaller particles in fractions 4 and 5. The proteomic analysis revealed that the groups shared 537 proteins and that the highest number of unique proteins (n=211) was in fraction 3. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) showed greatest enrichment of EV associated proteins in fraction 3. Fraction 4 was also significantly enriched but with a higher p-value. GSEA with a supermere related protein list revealed enrichment only in fraction 3 and no enrichment with an exomere list. Heatmap analysis of proteomic data showed highest intensity of apolipoproteins in fractions 4 and 5, whereas markers for small and large EVs peaked in fraction 3.

These data indicate that fraction 3 contains the majority of EVs and that the later fractions are more enriched with lipoproteins, although the contents also overlap. Highest number of individual proteins in fraction 3 shows the potential of SEC purification for analysis of lower abundant proteins in CSF EVs.The study was funded by Academy of Finland and Finnish Veterinary Foundation.

20. Concurrent use of tasipimidine and fluoxetine

J. Lindstedt¹, M. Kirjavainen¹, M. Korpivaara¹
¹Research and Development, Orion Pharma, Espoo, Finland

The objective of the study was to evaluate pharmacokinetics of tasipimidine alone and in combinationwith fluoxetine, and to study effects of the combination on functional alertness and cardiovascular parameters (blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and ECG) in dogs equipped with telemetry devices. The study was performed in 2 Phases. In Phase 1, dogs received a single dose of 20 µg/kg (4 dogs) and 30 µg/kg (4 dogs) of tasipimidine before the assessments. In Phase 2 all dogs were dosed once daily with fluoxetine 1 mg/kg for 12 days. Assessments were done on day 10 (fluoxetine alone) and after a single dose of tasipimidine with doses 20 µg/kg (4 dogs) and 30 µg/kg (4 dogs) on days 1 and 12. The study treatments were given by a treatment administrator and the clinical assessments were conducted by a blinded assessor.

Dogs’ alertness was slightly reduced by combination of tasipimidine at the dose of 30 µg/kg with fluoxetine, but not when tasipimidine dose was reduced to 20 µg/kg in the combination.Tasipimidine alone and in combination with fluoxetine was well tolerated and safe in respect to cardiovascular effects (BP, HR and ECG) in healthy dogs.

The exposure of tasipimidine was increased and maximum plasma concentration was reached faster when tasipimidine was given after repeated dosing of fluoxetine. Slower absorption of fluoxetine was observed when dosed concomitantly with tasipimidine.

The effect on functional alertness supports the use of lower dose of tasipimidine (20 µg/kg) whencombined with fluoxetine 1 mg/kg.

Study was funded by Orion Corporation. All authors are employees from Orion Corporation, Orion Pharma, Finland.

21. Separation anxiety is associated with high caregiver burden for dog owners

Mira Korpivaara and Terttu Lamminen
Orion Corporation, Research and Development, Espoo Finland

Ninety privately-owned dogs diagnosed with separation anxiety from four European countries (Finland,Poland, Netherlands, Germany) participated in a clinical study. One aspect of this study was to collect data on how separation anxiety affects the quality of life of the caregivers. Caregiver burden was assessed by responding to questions related to changes required due to dog’s diagnosis, feelings arising from the situation, effects on the relationship with the dog and considerations related to the human-animal bond. Dog owners were also asked about their overall impression of the level of burden related to dog’s separation anxiety using a 4-point scale (not burdensome, slightly burdensome, burdensome, very burdensome). Majority of the owners reported that dog’s separation anxiety had caused changes to their daily activities (77.6%) or to their home (65.1%). More than half reported that separation anxiety caused more household chores (56.2%) and limited time they had to themselves (51.7%). Many owners felt guilty for not doing more for their dog (34.8%) and 16.9% noted negative effects to their relationship. Quarter felt that they could no longer care for their dog (25.8%), and some had been considering giving their dog away (19.1%) or even having it euthanised (6.7%). In the overall caregiver burden assessment 65.2% of the owners rated the level of burden related to dog’s separation anxiety as high (‘burdensome’ or ‘very burdensome’). Separation anxiety is not only stressful to the dog but also negatively affects the quality of life of the owner, thus presentsa threat to the human-animal bond.

22. Feline travel anxiety contributes to caregiver burden among cat owners

Terttu Lamminen¹, Heidi Järvimäki², Mira Korpivaara¹
¹ Orion Corporation, Research and Development, Espoo, Finland
² Orion Corporation, Companion Animal Business Unit, Espoo, Finland

Owners of cats showing signs of travel anxiety were surveyed to assess the effect of their cat’s anxietyon both their own and their cat’s quality of life, and the human-animal bond between the owner and the cat. Caregivers from UK and US participated in the study and were contacted via email and/or social media. The questionnaire was shared by a public web link and a commercial online survey tool Webropol 3.0 was used. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics.

The survey was completed for 451 cats (UK: 326, US: 125) owned by 364 caregivers (UK: 261, US: 103). A considerable number of owners reported their cat’s travel anxiety had restricted their life a little (26%), somewhat (7%) or a lot (1%). Similarly, the owners responded that travel anxiety had affected their cat’s quality of life a little (27%), somewhat (8%) or a lot (2%). Almost half of the owners (48%) disclosed having felt bad or guilty, while many reported having had limitations to their holiday (15%) or weekend travelling (10%). Some owners revealed having missed their cat’s veterinary appointment or other health care (10%), or cat shows (1%). Part of the owners reported also deteriorated human- animal bond (4%), as their cat had showed signs of loss of trust. The percentages were somewhat higher in the US compared to the UK.

These results indicate that feline travel anxiety contributes to caregiver burden among cat owners andmay decrease the quality of life for both cats and their owners.

23. Evaluation of risk factors for sleep-disordered breathing in dogs

Iida Niinikoski a, Sari-Leena Himanen b, c, Mirja Tenhunen c, d, Mimma Aromaa a, Liisa Lilja-Maula a,Minna M. Rajamäki a
a Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
b Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland
c Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Medical Imaging Centre, Vascular Interventions and Hospital Pharmacy, Tampere University Hospital, Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa, Finland
d Department of Medical Physics, Medical Imaging Centre, Vascular Interventions and Hospital Tampere University Hospital, Wellbeing Services County of Pirkanmaa, Finland

Sleep-disordered breathing (SDB), defined as any difficulty breathing during sleep, has been shown to occur in brachycephalic dogs using a portable neckband system (Nukute Ltd, Finland). The neckband evaluates SDB by summarizing the number of obstructive respiratory events per hour as Obstructive Respiratory Event Index (OREI). However, risk factors for SDB remain unknown.

The objective of this prospective observational cross-sectional study with convenience sampling was to identify risk factors for SDB. We hypothesized that brachycephaly, increasing severity of brachycephalic obstructive airway syndrome (BOAS), excess weight and ageing predispose to SDB. Sixty-three privately owned pet dogs were included in the sleep recordings. Of these, forty-six dogs attended a study visit. Recording with the neckband was done over one night at each dog’s home. The primary outcome measure was OREI. Body condition score (BCS) was assessed, and, for brachycephalic dogs, BOAS severity was graded.

Brachycephaly was a significant risk factor for high OREI value (ratio of the geometric means 5.5, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.6 – 8.2; P < .001) but ageing was not (1.1, 95% CI 1.0 – 1.2; P = .2). Excess weight, defined as a BCS of over 5/9, was a significant risk factor (3.3, 95% CI 1.8 – 6.2; P < .001). In brachycephalic dogs a significant risk factor was BOAS-positive class (moderate or severe BOAS signs) (2.5, 95% CI 1.1 – 5.6; P = .03).

Brachycephaly decreases welfare in a multitude of ways, including disrupting sleep. Brachycephaly,increasing severity of BOAS and excess weight are risk factors for obstructive SDB.

24. Review: The biomarker GlycA enables the evaluation of chronic low-gradeinflammation in dogs

Claudia Ottka¹, Mirja Kaimio², Hannes Lohi¹,²,³,⁴
¹ PetMeta Labs Ltd., Helsinki, Finland
² Evidensia Eläinlääkäripalvelut Ltd., Vantaa, Finland
³ Petbiomics Ltd, Helsinki, Finland⁴ Department of Veterinary Biosciences and Department of Medical and Clinical Genetics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
⁵ Folkhälsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland

Subclinical and low-grade inflammation is common and associated with both current disease and futuremorbidity and mortality risk. While good tools for evaluating acute inflammation are readily available in veterinary practice, the tools for assessing low-grade inflammation are lacking. GlycA is a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) composite inflammatory marker originating from N-acetyl methyl protons of the acute-phase proteins alpha-1‐acid glycoprotein, haptoglobin, alpha-1‐antitrypsin, alpha-1‐antichymotrypsin, and transferrin. Despite being called acute-phase proteins, changes in acute-phase protein concentrations are also observed in chronic conditions, although the responses of different acute-phase proteins are variable. Since GlycA combines the responses of single acute-phase proteins, it may capture the overall chronic inflammatory burden better than single acute-phase proteins. Due to its composite nature, GlycA is considered a stable and robust inflammatory marker of chronic inflammation. A dog-specific GlycA test has been clinically validated and it appears a promising marker for measuring the current low-grade inflammation status of dogs across different disorders. Due to being a metabolomics marker, GlycA can be utilized as a standalone test or combined with other metabolic datagenerated by the NMR method.

25. Metabolic changes in canine inflammatory diseases

Claudia Ottka¹, Mirja Kaimio², Laura Parikka², Essi Leminen², Hannes Lohi¹,³,⁴,⁵
¹ PetMeta Labs Oy, Helsinki, Finland
² Evidensia Eläinlääkäripalvelut Oy, Helsinki, Finland
³ Department of Veterinary Biosciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
⁴ Department of Medical and Clinical Genetics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
⁵ Folkhälsan Research Center, Helsinki, Finland

Identification of an inflammatory state is an important part of a diagnostic workup. Currently, clinically usableinflammatory markers for acute inflammation are available, but chronic inflammatory markers are lacking. This study aims to identify the metabolic changes caused by several common inflammatory diseases in dogs and study the usability of the novel chronic inflammatory marker GlycA and other metabolic changes to identify inflammatory states.

We collected plasma samples of 175 healthy control dogs and 207 dogs suffering from acute gastroenteritis, pyometra, neoplastic diseases, atopic dermatitis, parodontitis, urinary tract infection, canine infectious respiratory disease, and osteoarthritis during routine veterinary visits. The samples were analyzed by an NMR spectroscopy platform validated for dogs. Both overall and disease-specific metabolic changes were investigated using logistic regression. A multivariate model was created using the metabolite values and its performance in classifying the dogs as healthy or diseased was compared with the performance of CRP, albumin, and GlycA.

All studied conditions caused metabolic changes. Some of these changes were disease-specific and some universal. The multivariate metabolic model performed excellently, and a combination of metabolic measures outperformed CRP in correctly classifying the dogs as healthy or diseased in all studied diseases.

Both acute and chronic inflammatory diseases cause metabolic changes. The metabolic measures are better in detecting chronic inflammation than CRP, especially as a combination or incorporated in a multi-metabolite test.These results pave the way for a much-needed testing method for chronic inflammation.

26. Comparison of sedative and cardiovascular effects between intramuscularmedetomidine-vatinoxan-methadone and acepromazine-methadone for preanaesthetic medication in healthy dogs undergoing elective ovariectomy orovariohysterectomy

Pekkola VIE¹ᵃ, Kallio-Kujala IJ¹,, Lepajoe J¹, Raekallio MR², Salla KM²
¹ Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki
² Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki

Medetomidine-vatinoxan used as a preanaesthetic medication causes more hypotension than medetomidinealone. Our aim was to compare its sedative and cardiovascular properties to acepromazine.

Healthy client-owned dogs scheduled for elective ovariectomy were randomly assigned to receive IM methadone 0.2 mg kg⁻¹ combined in same syringe with either acepromazine 0.02 mg kg⁻¹ (group A, n = 12) or medetomidine 0.01 mg kg⁻¹ and vatinoxan 0.2 mg kg⁻¹ (group MV, n = 13). Sedation scores (SS, range 0 – 12) and visual analogue scales (VAS) were assigned every five minutes until SS was ≥ 6 or 30 minutes from injection had passed. After this general anaesthesia was induced and monitored in routine manner. The need of cardiovascular interventions according to current guidelines was recorded. Statistical comparisons were done with Mann-Whitney U-test and Pearson chi-square test.

Five minutes after drug injection median SS and sedation VAS were 7 (range 3 – 11) and 39 (range 30 – 56) in group MV and 2.5 (range 0 – 5) and 13.5 (range 4 – 27) in group A (p < 0.001 for both). Numbers of dogs needing anticolinergics (4 in group MV, 6 in group A), fluid bolus (4 in group MV, 3 in group A) or noradrenaline CRI (1 in each group) did not significantly differ between groups.

When used as preanaesthetic medication in combination with methadone, medetomidine-vatinoxan causes deeper plane of sedation than acepromazine, without significant differences in the incidence of perianaesthetic hypotension.

27. Koiran kiimanseuranta virtsasta uuden 5α-PtG-biomarkkerin avulla

Tia Pennanen¹, Merja Häkkinen², Risto Juvonen¹, Jouko Vepsäläinen¹, Petri Turhanen¹, Seppo Auriola¹ ja Sari Viitala¹
¹Itä-Suomen yliopisto, Farmasian laitos, Kuopio, Suomi
²Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos, Kuopio, Suomi

Koiran kiimakierron vaiheen arviointi perustuu ulkoisten kiiman merkkien tulkintaan sekä erilaisiininvasiivisiin toimenpiteisiin kuten veren progesteronianalyysiin tai emättimen solunäytteiden tutkimukseen. Kiiman kehittyessä koiran estrogeeni- ja progesteronitasot nousevat, mutta virtsaan ne eivät sellaisenaan erity. Virtsaan erittyvistä metaboliiteista ei ole juurikaan tietoa saatavilla, mutta aiemmissamme tutkimuksissamme olemme havainneet, että narttukoiran kiimanaikaisia hormonimuutoksia voidaan seurata mittaamalla virtsan estradioli- ja pregnaanidioli-3-glukuronidin pitoisuuksia entsyymi-immunomäärityksillä (EIA). Tutkimuksemme tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisina yhdisteinä progesteronihormoni erittyy virtsaan, ja mitä näistä voitaisiin käyttää parempien, eläimeen kajoamattomien menetelmien kehittämisen mahdollistamiseksi koiran kiimakierron seuraamisessa.

Tutkimuksessa käytettiin aiemman tutkimuksen yhteydessä kerättyjä rinnakkaisia seerumi- ja virtsanäytesarjoja yhdeksältä narttukoiralta. Lisäksi näytteinä oli 52 narttukoiralta vapaaehtoisvoimin kerättyä  60  virtsanäytesarjaa.  Vapaaehtoiset  näytteenkerääjät  kirjasivat  havaintonsa  koiriensa kiimanmerkeistä   kuten   emätinvuodosta   ja   paritteluhalukkuudesta,   sekä   mahdolliset progesteronihormonianalyysin tulokset. Kukin näytesarja sisälsi 4–30 perättäisenä päivänä esikiiman ja/tai kiiman aikana kerättyä näytettä. Yhteensä tutkimuksessa analysoitiin 95 seeruminäytettä ja yli 1000 virtsanäytettä.

Seeruminäytteistä mitattiin nestekromatografia–massaspektrometrillä estrogeeni- ja progesteronihormonien pitoisuudet ja rinnakkaisista virtsanäytteistä pyrittiin tunnistamaan niitä vastaavia steroidimetaboliitteja. Analysoitujen steroidimetaboliittien pitoisuusprofiileja verrattiin sekä itse mitattuihin että kirjallisuuden antamiin seerumin progesteronihormonien pitoisuusprofiileihin. Virtsan referenssihormoneina käytettiin kaupallisia steroidiglukuronideja sekä in vitro glukuroituja steroidimetaboliitteja.

Virtsan metaboliiteista vain muutama voitiin tunnistaa referenssisteroidien avulla. Vaikka useilla eläimillä progesteronihormoni erittyy virtsaan pregnaanidioli-3-glukuronidina, koiran virtsa sisälsi sitä vain hyvin pieniä määriä. Myöskään tunnetuimpia estrogeenihormonien metaboliitteja ei havaittu mitattavia määriä. Tutkimuksessa löydettiin ja tunnistettiin yksi steroidihormonimetaboliitti (5α-pregnaani-3,6,20- trioliglukuronidi, 5α-PtG), jonka pitoisuusprofiili virtsassa vastasi progesteronihormonin pitoisuusprofiilia seerumissa. Metaboliitin pitoisuus mitattiin kaikista kerätyistä virtsanäytesarjoista spesifisellä 5α-PtG-EIA- menetelmällä (in-house).

Pitoisuusmittausten  mukaan  keskimääräinen  5α-PtG-pitoisuus  lisääntyi  kiiman  edetessä. Metaboliittipitoisuuden kiimanaikainen lisääntyminen oli tilastollisesti merkitsevää, ja virtsan 5α-PtG:n ja veren progesteronihormonin pitoisuusprofiilit olivat yhteneväiset. Tulosten mukaan virtsan 5α-PtG- metaboliittia voidaan käyttää biomarkkerina koiran kiiman seurannassa. Tutkimus on ensimmäinen laatuaan, jossa kyseisen metaboliitin olemassaolo on havaittu ja rakenne tunnistettu. Tutkimuksessa kehitetty EIA-menetelmä on myös mahdollista muuntaa helppokäyttöiseksi pikatestiksi kuluttajien käyttöön.

28. Major and trace element concentrations in hair and wholeblood of dogs with idiopathic epilepsy and healthy dogs

Sarah Rosendahl1, Johanna Anturaniemi1, Tiina-Kaisa Kukko-Lukjanov2, Kristiina A Vuori1, Robin Moore1, Manal Hemida1, Anne Muhle3, Anna Hielm-Björkman1
Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
2Department of Veterinary Biosciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
3Neurology Services, Evidensia Espoo Animal Hospital, Espoo, Finland.

Altered trace element status has been associated with epilepsy in both humans anddogs with idiopathic epilepsy (IE). Therefore, this case-control study aimed to investigate major and trace element concentrations in hair and whole blood of dogs that had been diagnosed with IE and compare them to those of healthy dogs.

Hair elements were assessed from sixty-three dogs with IE (53 treated, 10 untreated) and 42 controls, and whole blood elements from 19 dogs with IE and 19 control dogs using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. For hair elements, groups were compared using nonparametric tests and results were controlled for diet, sex, age, and hair color using generalized linear mixed models, and for blood elements, the Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare groups.

Dogs with IE had significantly lower hair phosphorus (P = .001), higher hair copper (P< .001), hair zinc (P < .001), hair copper/zinc ratio (P = .003), hair selenium (P < .001), and hair arsenic (P < .001). When comparing subgroups of treated and untreated epileptic dogs with healthy dogs, the differences in hair phosphorus and selenium remained significant for both groups, whereas the differences in copper, zinc, and arsenic were significant only for the treated epileptic dogs. Dogs with IE also had significantly higher blood copper (P = .007), higher blood copper/zinc ratio (P = .04), higher blood selenium (P < .001), and lower blood chromium (P = .01) compared to healthy dogs. Treatment with potassium bromide was significantly associated with elevated arsenic concentration in both hair (P = .000) and blood (P = 0.01).

In conclusion, the results support the role of altered major and trace element status in dogs diagnosed with IE and suggest that phosphorus, copper, selenium, and chromium may be involved in the pathogenesis of canine epilepsy or seizures. Theresults also suggest that potassium bromide may alter arsenic metabolism in dogs.

29. Toxic Metals in Hair and Blood of Pet Dogs in Finland

Sarah Rosendahl1, Johanna Anturaniemi1, Kristiina A. Vuori1, Robin Moore1, Manal Hemida1, Anna Hielm-Björkman1
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland

Toxic metals are widespread in the environment and pose a health threat to both usand our pets. Pet dogs can be exposed to toxic metals through their living environment, diet, and drinking water. Hair has been suggested as an alternative to blood when assessing the body burden of certain toxic metals. Therefore, we aimed to study the correlation between toxic metals in hair and blood of pet dogs as well as the association between the dogs’ toxic metal burden and various dietary and environmental factors.

A total of 189 pet dogs participated in the study. Lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), and arsenic (As), and aluminum (Al) were measured in blood (n=120) and hair samples (n=187) using ICP-MS. Part of the dogs were clinically healthy (n=64), part had epilepsy (n=77), and the rest had other chronic diseases or symptoms (n=41). The correlation between blood and hair elements was assessed using Spearman's rank correlation and generalized linear mixed models were used to determine how hair and blood toxic metal concentrations were affected by various factors.

Mercury in blood and hair showed a strong positive correlation (ρ=0.590, p<.001). Blood and hair Hg was significantly higher in dogs that ate fish daily or weekly compared to dogs that ate fish less frequently (p<.001), and dogs that ate fish from dry foods had significantly higher hair Hg compared to dogs that ate fish from raw (p=.005) or mixed (p=.032) diets. Blood Pb was significantly higher in dogs that ate game meat daily, weekly, or monthly, and in dogs that ate game meat 1-6 times/year, compared to dogs that never ate game meat (p=.032 and p=.012, respectively).Likewise, hair Pb was associated with game meat consumption (p=.025). Blood and hair As was significantly higher in dogs treated with KBr compared to other dogs (p=.014 and <.001, respectively).

In conclusion, hair can provide an alternative for blood in assessing Hg burden in dogs, fish-based dry dog foods are a risk of Hg exposure in dogs, and feeding game meat to dogs should be limited due to the risk of Pb exposure. In addition, elevatedAs levels in KBr treated dogs need to be further studied.

30. Differential diagnosis for hepatic disease as the cause of serum alt increase; myopathy of the schapendoes breed dog

P. Syrjä*, T. Jokinen, M. Speeti# M. Kaukonen, § and H. Lohi§, ‡
Department of Veterinary Biosciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, FIN
Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, FIN
#Herttoniemen Eläinlääkäriasema, Helsinki, FIN
Department of Clinical and Medical Genetics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki and
§ Folkhälsan ResearchCenter, Helsinki, FI

Dogs of the Schapendoes breed were presented with variable signs of progressive exercise and heatintolerance. Serum ALT was consistently elevated. Therefore, the dogs were subjected to liver biopsy. Liver lesions explaining the enzyme elevation were not found, thus the dogs were further investigated. The aim of this study is to determine the clinical and histopathological phenotype of this disease and investigated its genetic background.

Liver biopsies, routine CBC and serum biochemistry from seven Schapendoes dogs were initially available. Four of these Schapendoes were euthanized and necropsied with owners’ consent within two years of onset of signs due to severe progressive clinical signs. Clinical investigations in these four dogs included neurological examination, CBC, extended serum biochemistry, muscle biopsy, electromyography and motor nerve conduction velocity studies. Postmortem examinations included myofiber typing by IHC, Kongo red stain of vascular lesions, Masson-trichrome stain for fibrosis of muscle and Rubeinic acid stain for copper of the liver. DNA samples from 20 cases and 16 controls were genotyped with 220,853 markers. A genome-wide association study (GWAS) and whole genome sequencing (WGS) were performed.

Progressive exercise and heat intolerance, fatigue and markedly elevated CK, ALT, AST enzyme levels were the main clinical and biochemical findings in all symptomatic dogs. Median age at euthanasia was 4.5 years, ranging from 3 to 5 years. Electrodiagnostic findings indicated a myopathy, nerve conduction velocity was normal. Postmortem examination revealed a chronic polyphasic myopathy in all four dogs, predominantly affecting type I myofibers and postural muscle groups. Three dogs showed mild vascular degeneration and medial amyloidosis in arteries of liver and skeletal muscle. A mild, copper-associated chronic hepatitis was present in two dogs. Pedigree analysis suggested autosomal recessive (AR) inheritance. GWAS and filtered WGS data identified a candidate causal variant in a myopathy gene known in man.

A chronic progressive myopathy affects the Schapendoes breed, causing exercise and heat intolerance, as well as increased serum ALT, AST and CK enzyme levels. Genetic investigations support an AR inheritance.Segregation analysis to validate the identified candidate variant is ongoing.

31. Serum procalcitonin as a diagnostic biomarker in dogs with bacterial respiratory diseases

Viitanen S.J., Koho N.M., Rajamäki M.M.
Department of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland

Procalcitonin (PCT) is a precursor of calcitonin, produced in health by parafollicular cells of thyroid gland andduring bacterial infections also by parenchymal organs. In humans, PCT measurement identifies patients with bacterial respiratory tract infections and is significantly connected to prolonged hospitalization and increased mortality. Purpose of this study was to investigate serum PCT in dogs with respiratory diseases and to examine, whether PCT can be used as a diagnostic biomarker for canine bacterial pneumonia.

Privately owned dogs diagnosed with bacterial pneumonia (BP, n=25), bacterial tracheobronchitis caused by Bordetella bronchiseptica (BB, n=17) and chronic bronchitis (CB, n=20) as well as healthy dogs (n=44) were included. Diagnosis was based on thorough clinical examinations including blood work, thoracic imaging, bronchoscopy and respiratory sample cytology and culture. PCT was measured using an ELISA previously validated for dogs (Canine procalcitonin, BioVendor, Asheville, NC). PCT concentrations between different groups were compared with an ANCOVA-model.

Serum PCT concentrations in dogs with bacterial diseases (BP mean 51.8 ng/L ± standard deviation [SD] 40.6 ng/L and BB mean 61.4 ng/L ± SD 35.3 ng/L) were not significantly different when compared to dogs with a non-bacterial respiratory disease (CB mean 89.7 ± SD 73.5 ng/L) or to healthy dogs (mean 51.0 ng/L ± SD 37.5 ng/L, P>0.05 in all comparisons).

These results indicate that despite being a valuable diagnostic, prognostic and follow up marker in humans, serum PCT is not elevated in dogs with bacterial lower respiratory diseases and therefore cannot be used asa diagnostic biomarker in dogs.

32. The effect of puppyhood and adolescent diet on the incidence of chronic enteropathy in dogs later in life

Kristiina A. Vuori, Manal Hemida, Robin Moore, Siru Salin, Sarah Rosendahl, Johanna Anturaniemi & Anna Hielm-Björkman

Diet has a key role in the homeostasis of the gut microenvironment, influencing the microbiome, the gutbarrier, host immunity and gut physiology. Yet, there is little information on the role of early diet in the onset of inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders later in life, especially in dogs. Therefore, the aim of the present cross-sectional, epidemiological study with longitudinal data, was to explore associations of companion dogs’ early life diet style and food items with owner-reported chronic enteropathy (CE)incidence in later life. Food frequency questionnaire data from Finnish companion dogs was analyzed using principal component analysis and logistic regression. We found that feeding a non-processed meat-based diet and giving the dog human meal leftovers and table scraps during puppyhood (2–6 months) andadolescence (6–18 months) were protective against CE later in life. Especially raw bones and cartilage as well as leftovers and table scraps during puppyhood and adolescence, and berries during puppyhood were associated with less CE. In contrast, feeding an ultra-processed carbohydrate-based diet, namely dry dog food or “kibble” during puppyhood and adolescence, and rawhides during puppyhood were significant riskfactors for CE later in life.

33. The impact of intravenous medetomidine and vatinoxan on echocardiographic evaluation of dogs with ACVIM stage B1 mitral valve disease

Elisa Välimäkiᵃ, Helmi Leppänenᵇ, Heta Turunenᶜ, Marja Raekallioᵇ Juhana Honkavaaraᵇ
ᵃEvidensia Animal Hospital Tammisto, Tammiston Kauppatie 29, 01510 Vantaa, Finland
ᵇDepartment of Equine and Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland
ᶜVetcare Oy, Mäntsälä, Finland

Alpha₂-adrenoceptor agonists, such as medetomidine and dexmedetomidine, are commonly used in clinicalpractice to induce a dose-dependent, reliable, and reversible sedation in dogs. The peripheral effects of alpha₂-agonists, however, impair the function of the canine cardiovascular system by increasing vascular resistance and decreasing heart rate and cardiac output. The peripherally acting alpha₂‐adrenoceptor antagonist,  vatinoxan,  is  a  novel  solution  to  prevent  these  undesirable  peripheral  effects  of (dex)medetomidine, while the central effects (i.e., sedation) remain unaffected.

Our aim was to investigate the sedative, hemodynamic and echocardiographic effects of intravenous medetomidine and vatinoxan in dogs with ACVIM stage B1 mitral valve disease. We hypothesized that medetomidine-vatinoxan would provide a clinically useful level of sedation, without untoward cardiovascular effects or echocardiographic changes.

Twelve client-owned dogs with ACVIM stage B1 mitral valve disease were included in the study. A transthoracic echocardiographic examination was performed, and vital parameters recorded before, 10 and 30 minutes after sedation with intravenous medetomidine (10 µg/kg) and vatinoxan (200 µg/kg). Sedation was assessed subjectively. Parametric data were analyzed with Student’s t-tests with an alpha-level of < 0.05.

When compared to baseline, normalized end-systolic volume and left ventricular systolic diameter increased significantly 10 minutes after sedation from 0.89 ± 0.19 to 1.13 ± 0.29 mL/kg (mean ± standard deviation) and 0.96 ± 0.12 to 1.10 ± 0.10 cm, respectively. Ejection fraction (EF from 66.33 ± 4.0 to 56.23 ± 9.54 %) and fractional shortening (FS from 36.13 ± 5.42 to 27.24 ± 5.6 %) decreased significantly. No significant changes were observed in normalized end diastolic volume, left ventricular diastolic diameter, or left atrial size, while aortic (from 1.34 ± 0.2 to 0.99 ± 0.14 m/s) and pulmonic (from 0.94 ± 0.16 to 0.66 ± 0.15 m/s) velocities decreased significantly. All dogs remained normotensive whereas heart rates decreased significantly from baseline (114 ± 22 to 82 ± 22 beats/minute).

Sedation was suitable for performing echocardiography without manual restraint. Echocardiographic parameters were not fully comparable with baseline values, which should be taken into consideration when evaluating echocardiographic results in dogs sedated with intravenous medetomidine-vatinoxan. No adverseeffects were observed with the dose studied.

Elintarvikehygienia ja ympäristöterveys

34. Two novel vagococci discovered from modified atmosphere packaged poultry products

Per Johansson, Elina Jääskeläinen, Elina Säde and Johanna Björkroth
Department of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki

The genus Vagococcus was initially proposed in 1989 when distinct cocci were distinguished from the genus Enterococcus. Currently, it comprises 20 species originating from diverse sources, including humans, various animal species, livestock-associated environments, and foods containing animal products. Vagococcus species are primarily characterized as Gram-positive, facultatively anaerobic, catalase-negative, and oxidase-negative bacteria with C16:0 as the major fatty acid component.

During our studies on spoilage microbiomes of modified atmosphere packaged broiler meat, we isolated three strains (PNs007 T, STAA11T and STAA25) of unknown identity. To identify these isolates, we conducted genome sequencing, phylogenetic analyses, in silico DNA-DNA hybridization, and average nucleotide identity (ANI) assessments for the strains of interest. We also performed phenotypic and chemotaxonomic analyses commonly used for distinguishing Vagococcus species.

Both in-silico DNA-DNA hybridization and ANI values supported our hypothesis of two new Vagococcus species. Based on whole-genome phylogenetic analysis, we found that PNs007 (species 1) is closest in lineage to Vagococcus fessus, while strains STAA11 and STAA25 (species 2) formed their distinct branch within the cluster containing V. fessus and Vagococcus coleopterorum. Both species exhibited typical characteristics, being gram-positive, non-motile, catalase- and oxidase-negative cocci that occur in pairs. The cell size of strain PNs007 was 1.1 µm, while strains STAA11 and STAA25 (species 2) measured 2.0 µm. Both species showed growth at temperatures of 4 and 37°C but not at 42°C. Their pH range for growth extended from 6.0 to 9.0, and they grew in the presence of 6% NaCl but not 7% (wt/vol). Major cellular fatty acids for both new species included C16:0 and C18:1 ω9c (refer to Table X). Additionally, both strains STAA11 and STAA25 exhibited streptomycin resistance and formed colonies on STAA agar plates, which could lead to potential confusion with Brochothrix thermosphacta. PNS007 demonstrated the ability to produce hydrogen sulphide, suggesting a possible role in poultry spoilage.

We propose the names Vagococcus proximus sp. nov. (type strain PNs007T=DSM 115185T) and Vagococcus intermedius sp. nov. (type strain STAA11T =DSM 115183T) for these novel species.

35. Elintarvikevälitteisten zoonoottisten bakteerien esiintyminen siileissä

Maria Fredriksson-Ahomaa¹, Venla Johansson¹, Viivi Heljanko¹, Elina Nuotio¹, Heini Nihtilä²,Annmari Heikinheimo¹,³, Rauni Kivistö¹
¹Elintarvikehygienian ja ympäristöterveyden osasto, ELTDK, HY
²Korkeasaaren eläintarha, Helsinki
³Mikrobiologian yksikkö, Elintarviketurvallisuusosasto, Ruokavirasto

Siili on Suomessa rauhoitettu, talvihorrokseen vaipuva, tasalämpöinen nisäkäs, joka on etenkin yölläaktiivinen. Siilejä tavataan Etelä- ja Keski-Suomessa ja ne ovat hyvin kotipaikkauskollisia. Siilit ovat kaikkiruokaisia ja viihtyvät parhaiten asutuksen läheisyydessä, mm. puutarhoissa ja puistoissa. Liikenne on siilien suurimpia uhkia. Siilit voivat kantaa oireettomina ihmisille tautia-aiheuttavia bakteereita, joita ne levittävät ulosteessa ympäristöön. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa suomalaisista kuolleista siileistä on löytynyt salmonellaa, yersiniaa ja listeriaa. Tässä tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin tärkeimpien elintarvikevälitteisten zoonoottisten bakteerien esiintymistä siileissä Helsingin seudulla vuosina 2020-22.

Tutkimme yhteensä 148 Korkeasaaren eläintarhaan tuotua siiliä vuosilta 2020 (n=58), 2021 (n=56) ja 2022 (n=34). Vanutuppopuikolla otettu ulostenäyte sekoitettiin 10 ml puskuroitua peptonivettä, joka rikastettiin yli yön 37 asteessa. Kampylobakteerin (rrn), salmonellan (ttr), yersinia (ail), shigatoksiinia tuottava Escherichia coli (STEC)-bakteerin (stx) ja Listerian (mpl) esiintyvyys tutkittiin reaaliaikaisella PCR- menetelmällä rikasteesta. PCR-positiivisista näytteistä 100 µl rikastetta viljeltiin selektiivisille viljelyalustoille: CHROMagar Salmonella Plus (salmonella, CIN (yersinia) ja ALOA (listeria). Kampylobakteeri tutkittiin kaikista näytteistä mCCDA-alustalla suoraan ulostenäytteistä. Bakteerikannat tunnistettiin alustavasti PCR-menetelmällä ja tarkempi tunnistus tehtiin kokogenomisekvenssin avulla.

Vähintään yksi zoonoottinen bakteerilaji löytyi suurimmasta osasta (60,1 %) siilien ulostenäytteistä PCR- menetelmän avulla. Yleisimmät löydökset olivat listeria (26,4 %) ja STEC (25,9 %). Salmonellaa (17,6 %) ja yersiniaakin (16,2 %) löytyi usein, kampylobakteeria (6,8 %) harvemmin. Näitä kaikkia bakteereita löytyi joka vuosi. Listeriaa esiintyi tasaisesti (25,0-29,4 %) vuosittain, kun yersinian (3,4-38,2 %) ja STEC-bakteerin (15,5-47,1 %) kohdalla esiintyvyydessä oli tilastollisesti merkitsevää vuosivaihtelua. Suurin osa (93,5 %) salmonella kannoista olivat serotyyppiä Enteritidis sekvenssityyppiä ST11. S. Typimurium ST19 löytyi kahdesta siilistä. C. jejuni eristettiin kolmesta siilistä: 2x ST45 ja 1x ST 677. C. lari ST21 löytyi yhdestä siilistä. Y. enterocolitica O:9 (ST139) eristettiin yhdestä siilistä ja Y. pseudotuberculosis O:1 kolmesta (1xST9 ja 2x ST42). Suurin osa (75,9 %) listeriakannoista oli L. monocytogenes seroryhmää 2a. L. monocytogenes seroryhmää 4b löytyi seitsemästä (24,1 %) siilistä. Seroryhmässä 2a tunnistimme 7 sekvenssityyppiä (ST7, 37, 177, 398, 451, 585 ja 2488) ja seroryhmässä 4b kolme (ST1, 4 ja 382).

Tuloksemme osoittavat, että siilit voivat levittää elintarvikevälitteisiä zoonooseja ulosteen välityksellä ympäristöön. Kartoittamalla elintarvikevälitteisten zoonoottisten bakteerien esiintymistä siilien ulosteessa esim. tuotantotilojen lähistöllä antaa lisää tietoa ympäristössä esiintyvistä mikrobiologisista vaaroista.Tietoa voidaan hyödyntää vaarojen hallinnassa ja tautisuojauksessa tiloilla. Suurin osa tunnistamistamme sekvenssityypeistä on myös raportoitu esiintyvän ihmisissä. Ulosteperäiset bakteerit voivat tarttua suoraan siilistä ihmiseen, joten käsiteltäessä ja ruokittaessa siiliä on kiinnitettävä huomiota hyviinhygieniakäytäntöihin, etenkin hyvään käsihygieniaan.

36. Broileriruhojen Escherichia coli -saastuminen teurastuksen yhteydessä

Tuomas Haltiala¹,², Eija Kaukonen¹, Maria Fredriksson-Ahomaa¹
¹Elintarvikehygienian ja ympäristöterveyden osasto, ELTDK, HY
²Terveysvalvonta, Kouvolan kaupunki

Broileriruhot saastuvat helposti ulosteperäisillä bakteereilla teurastuksen yhteydessä. Teurastushygieniallaon vaikutusta lihan laatuun ja turvallisuuteen. Teurastusprosessin hygieniaa voidaan seurata erilaisilla indikaattoribakteereilla kuten seuraamalla mesofiilisten bakteerien, enterobakteerien ja Escherichia colien määrää broileriruhojen pinnoilla. Näistä E. colien määrä kuvaa parhaiten ulostesaastutusta. Broilerin teuraslinjan kriittisiä kohtia, jossa E. colien määrää on saatu vähennettyä ruhon pinnalla, ovat kalttaus, pesu ja jäähdytys. Tässä työssä tutkimme E. colien esiintymistä broileriruhojen pinnoilla teurastuksen kolmessa eri vaiheessa.

Tutkimme 204 pintasivelynäytettä, jotka otettiin 68 broilerin ruhosta teurastuksen aikana vuosina 2016 ja 2019 yhdessä siipikarjateurastamossa. Näytteet kerätiin touko-kesäkuun vaihteessa vuonna 2016 ja elo- syyskuun vaihteessa vuosina 2016 ja 2019. Jokaisesta ruhosta otettiin pintasivelynäytteet (5x5 cm²) kolmessa teurastuksen eri vaiheessa: (1) kyninnän, (2) suolistuksen ja (3) jäähdytyksen jälkeen. Ruhot jäähdytettiin ilmalla vuonna 2016 ja vesisumute-ilma-yhdistelmällä 2019. Sivelynäytteistä tutkittiin E. colien määrä kromogeeniselle Harlequinᵗᵐ E.coli/coliform -alustalle. Aineiston tilastollinen testaus tehtiin SPSS- ohjelmalla (SPSS Statistics 29.0, IBM) ja tulosten merkitsevyyttä arvioitiin 95 %:n luottamustasolla (p<0,05). Aineisto testattiin ei-parametrisillä testeillä: Mann-Whitney ja Friedman.

E. colien määrä broileriruhojen pintanäytteissä (n=204) vaihtelivat välillä <10 (0,7 log10) ja >10.000 (4,7 log10) E. colia per 25cm² mediaanin ollessa 2,5 log10 pmy/25 cm² (316 E. coli per 25cm²). Suurimmasta osasta (148/204, 73 %) ruhojen pintasivelynäytteistä löytyi E. colia. E. colien määrä oli korkein kyninnän (piste 1) ja suolistuksen (piste 2) jälkeen. Jäähdytyksen (piste 3) jälkeen, E. colien määrä laski erittäin merkitsevästi (p<0,001) ja niitä löytyi harvoin (12/68, 18 %) pintasivelynäytteistä. Jäähdytysmenetelmillä (2016: ilma ja 2019: vesisumute+ilma) ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää vaikutusta E. colien määrään pisteessä 3 (p=0,324).

Tutkimuksemme osoittaa, että E. colia esiintyy broileriruhojen pinnoilla runsaasti kyninnän ja suolistuksen jälkeen. Kyninnän jälkeen bakteerimäärät olivat hieman korkeampia kuin suolistuksen jälkeen, mikä viittaa siihen, että E. colit olivat peräisin ulosteen saastuttamista höyhenistä. E. coli -määrät olivat merkitsevästi matalampia jäähdytyksen jälkeen, mikä osoittaa sen, että jäähdytyksellä voidaan vaikuttaa E. coli -määriin ja hallita niiden kasvua broileriruhojen pinnoilla. Jäähdytysmenetelmällä ei kuitenkaan ollut merkitsevää vaikutusta ruhojen E. coli-määriin. Jäähdytyksen lisäksi teurastamon tulisi kiinnittää huomiota eläinten puhtauteen.

37. Wastewater-based approach for antimicrobial resistance surveillance in food-producing animals in South African abattoirs

Viivi Heljanko¹, Amanda Kymäläinen¹, Musafiri Karama², Paula Kurittu¹, Venla Johansson¹, Ananda Tiwari¹*, Matteo Nyirenda³, Mogaugedi Malahlela², Annamari Heikinheimo¹,⁴
¹ Department of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
² Veterinary Public Health Section, Department of Paraclinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa
³ Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, Centre for Animal Health Studies, North West University, Mahikeng, South Africa.
⁴ Finnish Food Authority, Seinäjoki, Finland*Currently Department of Health Security, National Institute for Health and Welfare, Kuopio, Finland

Correspondence: Viivi Heljanko,

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a major One Health issue. Multidrug-resistant bacteria can cause hard-to-treatinfections and increased mortality. The overuse and misuse of antimicrobials are the main drivers of AMR. Notably, the intensive use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals (FPAs) is of particular concern as more than half of all antibiotics globally are used in FPAs. Especially in African countries, the level of antimicrobial usage in FPAs is high, and antimicrobials are used also as growth promotors. While research focusing on AMR in FPAs in African countries has become more commonplace, surveillance practices vary considerably. Some African countries have taken steps to develop a national action plan for AMR, but the implementation of efficient surveillance systems remains inconsistent. Wastewater surveillance (WWS) has been offered as a promising approach for population-level AMR surveillance, and abattoir WWS could provide a rapid and effective method for evaluating the AMR situation in FPAs. In this pilot study, we searched for different AMR microbes in wastewater from cattle, sheep, pig, and poultry abattoirs (n=6) to evaluate the potential of WWS of AMR in FPAs. Wastewater samples from wastewater tanks (n=16) and swab samples from abattoir floor drains (n=18) were collected  and  samples   were  analyzed  for  extended-spectrum   beta-lactamase-producing   (ESBL) Enterobacteriaceae, carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), vancomycin-resistant Enterococci, and Candida auris by cultivating the samples on selective agar plates (CHROMagar™, Paris, France). MALDI-TOF was used for species identification and disk diffusion and broth microdilution for antimicrobial susceptibility  testing. Furthermore,  a subset of isolates (n=11) from plates selective for ESBL-producing bacteria were analyzed with whole genome sequencing. The most common species identified  from plates selective  for ESBL-producing  bacteria  were Escherichia coli  (n=60)  and Klebsiella pneumoniae  (n=24),  which were all phenotypically  ESBL-producers.  One  E. coli isolate was resistant  to meropenem, and one K. pneumoniae isolate was resistant to colistin. Acinetobacter baumannii (n=16), A. pittii (n=3), and A. nosocomialis (n=2) were isolated from plates selective for carbapenem-resistant bacteria. S. aureus, vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecalis/E. faecium or C. auris were not found. Genomic analysis revealed avariety of sequence types (ST) and beta-lactamases. E. coli carrying blaCTX₋M₋₅₅ was detected in three abattoirs, allhandling cattle. The two poultry abattoirs shared strains with similar ST and resistance gene profiles (E. coli ST14285 with blaCTX₋M₋₂₇ and K. pneumoniae ST661 with blaCTX₋M₋₁₄). Genes related to carbapenem or colistin resistance were not detected. This study demonstrated that abattoir wastewater may have potential use for AMR surveillance in FPAs. However, methodologies still need optimization. Simultaneous sampling of animals entering abattoirs or comparison of findings with studies from countries where surveillance of AMR from FPAs is regular will help evaluate to what extent AMR results obtained through WWS are a true reflection of the AMRsituation in FPAs.

38. Yhteistyö kierrätettävien pakkausmateriaalien riskianalyysissa - verkostoanalyysin tulokset

Joutsen Suvi¹, Suomi Johanna¹, Siekkinen Kirsi-Maarit¹, Järvelä Terhi¹, Tuominen Pirkko¹,Sohlberg Elina², Hyytiäinen-Pabst Tiina², Alakomi Hanna-Leena²
¹Riskinarvioinnin yksikkö, Ruokavirasto
²Elintarviketeknologia, Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy

FoodSafety4EU (FS4EU) on Euroopan unionin rahoittama Horizon2020-hanke, jonka tarkoituksena onkehittää Euroopan elintarviketurvallisuusjärjestelmää yhteisellä elintarviketurvallisuusfoorumilla. FS4EU- hankkeessa kehitteillä oleva verkkoalusta mahdollistaa tieteen, hallinnon, politiikan, elintarvikealan ja kansalaisten kohtaamisen. Tehokas tiedonvaihto eri toimijoiden välillä helpottaa yhteistyötä, lisää läpinäkyvyyttä sekä tutkittuun tietoon perustuvaa ja vaikuttavaa päätöksentekoa.

Tutkimuskonsortioon kuuluu 23 yhteistyökumppania 12 maasta ja 44 muuta elintarviketurvallisuuden toimijaa. Suomesta mukana ovat Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT ja Ruokavirasto. Elintarviketeollisuusliitto ry osallistuu hankkeeseen tukipartnerina.

Verkostoanalyysi (NetMap-analysis) on haastatteluihin perustuva menetelmä tietyn alan toimijoiden monimutkaisten verkostorakenteiden, vuorovaikutuksen ja valtasuhteiden kartoittamiseen. Sen tavoitteena on kehittää verkoston sisäistä tiedonvaihtoa sekä tunnistaa yhteistyömahdollisuuksia ja mahdollisia ristiriitaa aiheuttavia  tilanteita.  FS4EU-hankkeessa  menetelmää  käytettiin  selvittämään  kierrätettävien elintarvikkeiden pakkausmateriaalien riskinhallintaan, riskinarviointiin ja riskiviestintään (eli riskianalyysiin) Suomessa liittyvät verkostot.

Verkostoanalyysia  hyödynnettiin  maaliskuussa  2022  Suomessa  järjestetyssä  asiantuntijatyöpajassa. Työpajaan osallistui sidosryhmien, riskinhallinnan ja riskinarvioinnin asiantuntijoita eri pakkausmateriaalien kanssa tekemisissä olevilta tahoilta. Nämä asiantuntijat tunnistivat kierrätettäviin pakkausmateriaaleihin liittyviä tahoja ja näiden roolia riskianalyysissä sekä heidän välisensä vuorovaikutuksen luonnetta ja tiedon kulkua. Verkostoanalyysissa käytettiin internetpohjaisia Miro- ja Mentimeter-työkaluja. Tulosten perusteella koostettiin kierrätettävien pakkausmateriaalien riskianalyysin parissa toimivien tahojen välisen tiedonkulun verkosto.

Keskeisimmiksi toimijoiksi tiedonkulun verkostossa tunnistettiin viranomaiset, pakkausmateriaaliteollisuus, elintarviketeollisuus ja Eurooppa-neuvosto (EUCO). Tiedonkulkua vaikeuttavat asiantuntijoiden mielestä lainsäädännön  yhdenmukaisen  tulkinnan  puutteet,  elintarvikesäädösten  ja  REACH-asetuksen yhdenmukaisuuden puute, harmonisoidun lainsäädännön puute ja niiden seurauksena valvonnan vaikeudet. Tärkeiksi tekijöiksi tunnistettiin myös viranomaisten resurssipula sekä kansallisella että paikallisella tasolla. Tutkimusrahoituksen niukkuuden todettiin rajoittavan paitsi riskianalyysien tekemistä, myös niitä edistävien menetelmien kehittämistä. Lisäksi tunnistettiin tarve kierrätyssääntöjä koskevalle koulutukselle.

Verkostoanalyysin tulosten perusteella Suomessa on kierrätettävien pakkausmateriaalien alan toimijoiden kesken runsaasti vuorovaikutusta. Lainsäädäntö ja sen tulkinta niin kansallisella kuin EU-tasolla luovat alalle haasteita, minkä lisäksi resurssien niukkuus rajoittaa tehokasta toimintaa riskianalyysin kaikilla osa-alueilla. Verkostoanalyysissä havaittuja ongelmia poistamalla voidaan kierrätettäviin pakkausmateriaaleihin liittyvä riskianalyysi saada vaikuttavammaksi.

FS4EU-hankkeen on rahoittanut Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme (H2020-EU. –Healthy and safe foods and diets for all) under Grant Agreement No. 101000613.

39. Latilactobacillus fuchuensis, a potential spoilage bacterium and tyramine producerin modified atmosphere packaged rainbow trout

Elina Jääskeläinen, Elina Säde, Per Johansson, Luna Adhikari and Johanna Björkroth
Department of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki

Latilactobacillus fuchensis, a lactic acid bacterium (LAB) isolated from fish and meat products, has receivedfar less attention than its relatives Latilactobacillus curvatus and Latilactobacillus sakei. In our previous study, we identified L. fuchuensis as the prevailing LAB in modified atmosphere packaged (MAP) marinated rainbow trout fillet strips, coinciding with an increasing tyramine levels. This study aims to elucidate the role of L. fuchuensis as a spoilage bacterium and its potential to produce tyramine, a biogenic amine, in MAP rainbow trout.

Four strains of L. fuchuensis known to produce tyramine in vitro (tdc+) and four strains lacking tyramine genes (tdc-) were chosen. These strains were inoculated onto both marinated and unmarinated fresh rainbow trout fillets. Following 12 days MAP storage at 3°C, we assessed fish tyramine levels using UPLC-QTRAP/MS, determined the bacterial concentrations (CFU/g) on fish using MRS, Rogosa, Long & Hammer, Iron media, and quantified L. fuchuensis cell counts in fish using qPCR. In addition, we conducted a sensory evaluation of the fish samples.

After 12 days of storage, bacterial counts were approximately log 9 CFU/g in inoculated (tdc+ and tdc-) marinated fish samples, while the counts were one log lower (log 8 CFU/g) in unmarinated inoculated (tdc+, tdc-) samples. In uninoculated samples, bacterial counts ranged from log 4 to log 5 CFU/g, except in rogosa (Lactobacillus agar) where the counts were < log 3 CFU/g.

L. fuchuensis cell counts, determined by qPCR, were approximately log 7 CFU/g in inoculated (tdc+, tdc-) marinated samples, log 6 CFU/g in inoculated (tdc+, tdc-) unmarinated samples and undetectable (< 2 CFU/g) all uninoculated samples.

Unmarinated inoculated (tdc+, tdc-) samples were deemed “spoiled” by the sensory panel on day 12 whereas the sensory quality of inoculated (tdc+, tdc-) marinated samples was “satisfying”. The sensory quality of uninoculated samples was “satisfying” by sensory evaluation on day 12 which indicated spoilage potential of L. fuchuensis in fish.

Tyramine was detected in all fish samples, with the highest levels (up to 52 µg/g) measured in marinated fish inoculated with tyramine producers L. fuchuensis (tdc+). Marinated fish with L. fuchuensis tyramine nonproducers (tdc-) or uninoculated samples exhibited tyramine levels over 10 times lower (< 4 µg/g) than corresponding samples inoculated with tyramine-producing (tdc+) strains. In unmarinated fish, the difference in tyramine levels between tdc+ and tdc- strains was smaller (< 2 times). The results indicate that L. fuchuensis has capacity to produce tyramine in fish, especially in marinated fish.

Our findings indicate that L. fuchuensis to thrives and cause spoilage in MAP rainbow trout products and has potential to produce tyramine in MAP rainbow trout products.

40. Food production establishments’ financial situation isassociated with food control inspection grades in Finland

Katri Kiviniemiᵃ, Mikko Kosolaᵃ, Annukka Vainioᵇ, Jarkko Niemiᶜ*, JanneLundénᵃ*
ᵃDepartment of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki, Finland
ᵇHelsinki Institute of Sustainability Science (HELSUS), Department of Forest Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Helsinki, Finland
ᶜNatural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), Helsinki, Finland

*These authors contributed equally to this work

Many food business operators (FBOs) repeatedly violate food safety legislation andthereby compromise food safety and cause a health risk for consumers. It is therefore important to develop strategies to identify FBOs that are at risk of repeatedly violating food safety regulations. One option to target these FBOs could be the use of financial indicators.

The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between the financial situation of food production establishments and food control inspection grades in Finland. Our hypothesis was that a poor financial situation of the FBO is associated with poor compliance with food safety regulations.

Of all meat, fish and milk establishments inspected between 2016-2020 in Finland (N=653), establishments repeatedly violating food safety (n=150; case definition: non-compliances in recurring years) were identified from inspection reports, and randomized matched controls were chosen among establishments not violating food safety repeatedly. Due to missing economic data and stringent requirements for case-control pairs, 45 case-control pairs were formed. Economic indicators describing profitability, liquidity and solvency were specified and used in a logistic regression model to explain the odds of the FBO belonging to the case group. Additionally, the association between financial indicators and non-compliances in a specific year was studied within the case group (n=88) using generalized estimating equations with logit link function.

The analyses showed that the odds for belonging to the case group were lower when the FBO´s operating margin describing profitability was in the best- performing tertile (OR=0.21, p=0.01) or the middle tertile (OR=0.22, p=0.03) compared to the worst-performing tertile. Therefore, low profitability of an establishment is associated with an elevated risk of recurring violations. The generalized estimating equations analysis showed that the odds for having a C or D overall inspection grade during a year tended to become lower when the logarithm of current ratio (an indicator of liquidity) increased (OR=0.73), although the resultwas only close to statistically significant (p=0.08).

Financial indicators could be used for detecting FBOs that are at a higher risk of repeatedly violating food safety. This could be utilized in targeting food control inspections.

41. Tarhattujen fasaanien kampylobakteeri-kantajuus yleistä

Rauni Kivistö¹*, Mikaela Sauvala¹, Maria Fredriksson-Ahomaa¹, Johanna Björkroth¹
¹Elintarvikehygienian ja ympäristöterveyden osasto, Eläinlääketieteellinen tiedekunta, Helsingin yliopisto

Kampylobakteeri on yleisin zoonoosi Suomessa ja EU:ssa. Vuonna 2022 kampylobakterioosi oli noin kaksikertaa yleisempi kuin salmonelloosi EU:ssa ja liki neljä kertaa yleisempi Suomessa. Verrattuna EU:n tasoon Suomessa kampylobakteerin esiintyvyys broilerin tuotantoerissä on erittäin alhainen johtuen korkeasta tautisuojan tasosta ja siitä että tuotantoparvet teurastetaan aina kerralla (all-in-all-out). Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää kampylobakteerin esiintymistä tarhatuilla fasaaneilla Suomessa.

Tutkimuksen kohteena oli keskisuuri tila, jonka fasaaniparven linnuista osa vapautettiin luontoon aina metsästyspäivän aamuna. Metsästäjien ampumista linnuista kerättiin suolet, joista tehtiin bakteeriviljelyt selektiiviselle mCCDA-elatusaineelle. Puhdasviljelmät tunnistettiin alustavasti qPCR:llä. Lajitunnistus ja tyypitys tehtiin kokogenomisekvensoinnin ja multilokus sekvenssityypityksen (MLST) avulla. Ensimmäisellä näytteenottokerralla lokakuussa tutkittiin 12 näytettä ja toisella näytteenottokerralla, 5 viikon kuluttua, marraskuussa 13 näytettä.

Fasaaniparven linnuista 75 ja 69 % osoittautui positiivisiksi Campylobacter jejuni -bakteerin suhteen. Dominoivat kloonit ensimmäisessä ja toisessa näytteenotossa erosivat toisistaan. Sekvenssityypit (ST) ST-45 ja ST-699 olivat yleisimmät tyypit eri näytteenottojen osalta. Näistä erityisesti ST-45 on aiemmin todettu yleiseksi myös ihmisten infektioissa ja broilereiden tuotantoparvissa Suomessa. Aiemmin Suomessa fasaaneista eristettyä ST-19 ei tässä tutkimuksessa tavattu.

Lintujen korkea ikä metsästysajankohtana saattaa osittain selittää havaitun suuren esiintyvyyden tutkimuksessamme, sillä aiemman italialaisen tutkimuksen mukaan kampylobakteerien esiintyvyys on korkeampi aikuisilla (> 1 kuukausi, 83,3 %) kuin nuorilla (< 1 kuukausi, 3,3 %) fasaaneilla. Lisäksi tuloksemme ovat linjassa aiemman Tšekin tasavallassa tehdyn havainnon kanssa, jonka mukaan intensiivisesti 5–8 kuukauden ikään asti kasvatetut fasaanit olivat todennäköisemmin kampylobakteerin kantajia kuin maatilalta luontoon 8 viikon iässä vapautetut fasaanit (70,2 % vs. 27,5 %).

Yhteenvetona voidaan todeta, että tarhatut fasaanit toimivat Suomessa yleisesti C. jejuni -bakteerin kantajina. Fasaanin kasvattajien, metsästäjien ja eläinlääkärien, jotka ovat suoraan kosketuksissa fasaanien, ja erityisesti niiden ulosteen, suoliston ja sisäelinten kanssa, tulisi olla tietoisia niihin liittyvästä kampylobakterioosin riskistä. Fasaanin lihan osalta ristikontaminaation välttäminen ja perusteellinen kypsennys ovat olennaisia infektioiden torjunnan kannalta. Tilojen osalta korkea yleinen hygieniataso ja pitkien tarhausaikojen välttäminen sekä  tilojen tautisuojauksen  ja tarhakohtaisten tautisulkujenparantaminen ovat mahdollisia keinoja infektioiden vähentämiseksi.

42. Bacteriological examination used in meat inspection in Finland

Riikka Laukkanen-Ninios¹, Maria Fredriksson-Ahomaa¹
¹University of Helsinki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health

Bacteriological examination (BE) can be used to aid meat inspection if decision cannot be made based onmacroscopic lesions in post-mortem inspection. In Finland, BE can be used if generalised infection or a zoonosis is suspected. The applicability of BE has been discussed in many countries and is currently a topical issue in Finland. Our aim was to depict the evolution of the BE method and its use in Finland to understand its current form and assess the method’s usefulness today.

The BE methods used over the years in Finland were collected from national legislation and instructions. The use of BE in Finnish slaughterhouses 2000-2022 were obtained from the Finnish Food Authority.

The original BE method from 1933 was revised in 1937, 1961, 1982 and the current method is from 2000. During years, the number of sample matrices and performed analyses has reduced and the media updated. In addition, the indication for BE and assessment of the results were simplified and the detailed instructions on how to interpret the results were removed from the method description.

The use of BE has reduced over the years considerably. In 2000, BE was used for cattle, pigs (finishing pigs and sows), sheep and horses and BE was performed for 1976 slaughtered animals. In 2022, BE was used only occasionally for cattle (n=18) and finishing pigs (n=2).

Since the use of the BE is very infrequent, the use of BE in general should be reconsidered. If BE is still considered useful in Finland, the used method should be reconsidered taking into account the methods used in other EU countries. Furthermore, indications for its use and interpretation of the results should beinstructed.

43. Inactivation of murine norovirus (MNV) during industrial cold smoking process.

Loikkanen Emil¹, Maunula Leena¹.
¹Department of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki

Cold smoking is widely used in the making of non-heat treated foods, e.g. mettwurst, but its effects on viralinactivation have not been greatly studied. In cold smoking process, food is preserved from bacteria by various means. Food products can contain viruses originating directly from the raw materials, e.g. pork can contain hepatitis E virus (HEV), or indirectly from surfaces or food handlers, similar to human noroviruses (HNV). Based on viral resilience, it is plausible that viruses could survive from cold smoking processes. Murine norovirus (MNV) has been used to model other viruses. This study aimed to find out how does MNV inactivate during industrial cold smoking process used for sausages.

We cold smoked culture media and self-made sausage (mettwurst) samples containing MNV-1. MNV was added into the grinded sausage mass. The whole process lasted 28 days with various sampling points. The actual smoking (30 min per day) took place on days 2, 3, and 4, during which the lids of culture media sample tubes were opened. After the smoking, the lids were closed and samples of the day were taken. Therefore, culture media samples were exposed to temperature changes and smoke. The sausage samples were exposed all effects of cold smoking process. We also used non-treated culture media samples containing MNV-1 which were kept in room temperature for the same duration. The analysis used cell culture and virus titration. All culture media samples were balanced and the sausage samples were extracted with polyethylene glycol (PEG) before inoculation. We assessed the viral cytopathic effect by a light microscope with the final reading on day 7.

We could detect infective MNV during the whole study period in all sample types (Fig 1). In non-treated culture media samples, MNV inactivation was slow and steady resulting in 1.8 log10 TCID50/ml reduction. In cold smoked culture media samples, MNV inactivated 4.6 log10 TCID50/ml, being the fastest during the first two weeks. In cold smoked sausage samples, MNV inactivated 1.9 log10 TCID50/ml, being the fastest during the first four days.

Industrial cold smoking process can inactivate MNV so it is plausible that smoking has some antiviral effects. However, at the end of the process we could still detect infective MNV. Therefore, viruses can survive cold smoking processes and might cause risk to consumers. Further studies are needed to assess the effects ofthe smoking on viruses.

44. Porcine noroviruses are present in Finnish pig farms

Ankita K. Gupta¹, Mari Heinonen², Emilia König², Venla Mikkonen¹, Leena Maunula¹
¹Department of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki
²Department of Production Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Helsinki

Noroviruses, belonging to the family Caliciviridae, are classified into at least ten genogroups (G) based ontheir major capsid protein (VP1). The common genogroup to be identified in both humans and pigs is GII, although porcine noroviruses (PoNoVs) belong to genotypes of their own (GII.11, GII.18 and GII.19). So far, to our knowledge PoNoVs have not been reported in Finland, possibly due to their rather symptomless nature.

In the present study, we enrolled a total of 189 fecal samples collected from pigs from 12 farms located in Finland. Samples were taken from 11 farms in 2019 and 2020, and a pig test station in 2010. We analyzed feces from growing pigs ranging from 2.5 to 6 months of age. RNA was extracted from fecal suspensions using EZNA viral RNA extraction kit, followed by RT (reverse transcription)-qPCR. The genotypes were determined by Sanger sequencing of the PCR fragments amplified by conventional PCR.

Out of 12 farms, 6 farms (50%) had PoNoV-infected pigs. As totally 18 out of 189 pigs were tested positive for PoNoVs, the rate of infection was 9.5%; i.e 12.5% in 2010 and 8.9% in 2019-2020. Pigs mostly with an age group of 4.5-6 months were infected with PoNoVs. One isolate was determined as GII.18. Genotyping of the remaining positive findings will be completed.

We could demonstrate the presence of PoNoVs in Finnish pigs, as was expected. PoNoV infection wascommon in growing pigs which is in line with earlier studies.

45. Cryptosporidium spp. occurrence on waterside pastures

A Rytkönen*, V Vuorisalmi*, R Kivistö*, A-M Hokajärvi**, E Nurmi**, M Laurila***, T Pitkänen*, **
* University of Helsinki, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Food Hygiene and Environmental Health, Agnes Sjöbergin katu 2, FI-00014 Helsinki.
** Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Department of Health Security, Expert Microbiology Unit, Kuopio.
*** Natural Resources Institute Finland, Bioeconomy and Environment Unit, Oulu.

Pasturing is the most efficient way to maintain waterside meadows, which are extremely endangered biotopes. However, concerns about the hygienic effects of manure on the nearby waters have been presented. As ruminant intestinal microbes have been detected on surface waters previously, there is need to further study the impact of pasturing sheep and cattle on the surface water hygienic status. Human infections caused by zoonotic Cryptosporidium parvum have increased in Finland during previous years, and they are often linked to contact with symptomatic production animals or manure. The follow-up of Cryptosporidium spp. occurrence in production animals as well as wild animals is important, as Cryptosporidium oocysts often spread through contaminated food and drinking water.

Total of 194 fecal samples were collected on pastures during the pasturing seasons 2021 (Northern Ostrobothnia) and 2022 (Northern Ostrobothnia, eastern and southern Finland). Approximately 10 fecal samples were collected from each pasture per sampling round. Animals on the pastures were mainly asymptomatic. Surface water samples (all locations) and sediment samples (Northern Ostrobothnia) were collected from watersides bordering the pastures. Cryptosporidium spp. and C. parvum detection was done by qPCR, and species identification for Cryptosporidium spp. positive fecal samples by Sanger sequencing.

The occurrence of Cryptosporidium spp. was found to be significantly higher, than previously detected from European farms. According to the qPCR analysis results, the occurrence in sheep was 94% on average, and in cattle 70% on average. In nested-PCR analysis, the occurrences were 55% and 48% in cattle and sheep, respectively. In previous European studies, the occurrence in cattle has been 17- 23%, and in sheep and goats 19-37%. However, in our study the occurrence reduced even below the average occurrence presented in literature when the Sanger sequencing results were considered. Therefore, it may be justified to have reservations on the occurrence results gained by the utilized qPCR and nested-PCR methods, as they seem to give false positive results when studying samples collected from pastures. Cryptosporidium spp. was detected also in environmental samples using the qPCR and nested-PCR method. The prevalence of Cryptosporidium spp. in sediment samples was 71%, and in water samples 67% with qPCR. In nested PCR analysis, the occurrences were 71% and 59% in sediment and water, respectively. Cryptosporidium species identification with Sanger sequencing revealed, that cattle were carriers mainly to C. bovis. C. xiaoi was the only species detected from sheep feces. The Cryptosporidium species identified were typical for cattle and sheep. Cryptosporidium spp. were identified from a total of three environmental samples.

In this study, Cryptosporidium spp. were commonly found from ruminant fecal samples. The most common findings were C. bovis and C. xiaoi, which are typical for cattle and sheep, respectively. Zoonotic C. parvum was not identified from fecal samples with Sanger sequencing, which indicates that waterside pastures do not possess a great cryptosporidiosis risk for water users. However, Cryptosporidium spp. identification methods for environmental samples require further validation.